ESC to reset tag- and search-text-filter in a single step
[Original Post as of September 2012 "Shortcut to reset all filters"]
Add the ability to clear all filters with a single shortcut. Tag filters and text in the search-field should be cleared. The focus in the notes list should reset too and position on top of the list. I suggest to use the "del" key for simplicity. The key is used to delete a note in the notes list though. Thus to delete a note in the notes list Ctrl+Delete should be used. This would be consistent with deleting a note in the notes editor too.

Another point is, that I would prefer the ESC key to reset all filters. I don't need the current mulit step reset because if I want to start a new search, I want to start from scratch. I also understand that others may have other preferences so this could be an option.
But this is no real problem - we just have to wait for this request which is alread planned:

I too dislike the multi-step reset. I never know how many times i'll have to press the ESC-key to either reset the filter or exit the main window. I too want to start search from scratch. That is why i made this request. Imo using the DEL-key gives the advantage, that someday in the future the ESC-key can be changed to directly close the main window with just a single click.

I realize, what really annoys me, is the double reset. When there is a tag filter and a search text filter, the first ESC will clear the search box, the second ESC will clear the tag filter. What i think might be much more convenient is: ESC should always reset both filters, that is tag+search filter. If i want to keep the tag filter, but want to edit/clear the search value i can use the TAB key to set the focus to the search box. Changing the ESC key to always clear all filters, would match with the following request to reset all filters using a double click on "All". http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/142600-double-click-on-all-in-sidebar-should-reset-search-box/#comment_169559

sorry Thomas, I voted negative .
because to use "Delete" for resetting is radical idea.
... and in my opinion several Escape is easy shortcut.

ok Thomas, now I catch it:
ESCAPE resetting all in one press, both tags and search box.
This behavior of ESCAPE should be customizable, because some user don't like it. I'm also want to try it before deciding.
( I changed my vote to positive )

then how about, BACKSPACE should delete search symbols, even if focus on NotesList ?

Hi Kazak, happy to see you changed your vote to positive :) The backspace key is reserved, because it will be used in the future to support browser like navigation; see here http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/23145-forwardbackward-navigation-filter-history/
Can you explain, what you mean be "search symbols", please?

... letters in search-box .. Try to press BACKSPACE when focus on NoteList, it doesn't start delete search-word...

With v2.1.1 we have Shift+Esc to minimize the main window while keeping an existing filter and we can deactivate "Minimize on Esc" using a menu option. What is actually left to a clean interface (imo) is an option to reset a tag and a search-text-filter in one step as here requested.
This would give us:
Esc reset all filters
Shift+Esc minimize main window and keep filters
But which key should we use for resetting filters? I'm strongly against using Del for this.
I suggest Shift+BkSp or Alt+BkSp.
We could also use Ctrl+BkSp, and move "select current note's tags" function to another key.

filters.reset.onescape.multistepControls whether filter reset happens sequentially or at once. When enabled, the text filter is reset on the first ESC press, the tags filter is reset on the second press. This parameter is only used if filters.reset.onescape.enabled = 1. Default value: 1 (enabled).

Controls whether filter reset happens sequentially or at once. When enabled, the text filter is reset on the first ESC press, the tags filter is reset on the second press. This parameter is only used if filters.reset.onescape.enabled = 1. Default value: 1 (enabled).
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Controls whether filter reset happens sequentially or at once. When enabled, the text filter is reset on the first ESC press, the tags filter is reset on the second press. This parameter is only used if filters.reset.onescape.enabled = 1. Default value: 1 (enabled).