Not a bug
Format > Clear command does not remove bullets (2.0.2-beta-1)
1. Enable formatting
2. Make some bullet items
3. Select bullet list and do Formatting > Clear context command
Result: bullets are not removed.
Even more:
4. Save that note
5. Disable formatting
6. Open, edit, save note
Result: bullets still not removed.
7. Open that note with disabled formatting
8. Press enter at the end of the bulleted line
Result: new bullet line is added
We can spawn bullets with disabled formatting!
Customer support service by UserEcho
Not sure if i want bullets removed, when i remove other formatting. How about selecting all lines with the bullets and press Ctrl+L to remove them? Even better Ctrl+Shift+L as a new key, that removes a bullet in general.
Probably related: when pasting plaintext (from notepad) numbered list
into CN with disabled fromatting, it becomes formatted "Numbered List" with no option to make it plaintext (2.0.1).
Possibly related: Ctrl+TAB does not insert TAB character, but instead formats text as indented. Cannot select this indent because it's not TAB char but formatted indent. If copy-paste text indented like this into regular notepad, indent turns into 3 spaces.
Conditions: Options > Editor > Auto-Indent off, Options > Editor > Text formatting off
Alex, if this is different I'll create a separate bug.
Confirmed. Couldn't reproduce in 2.0.2, looks it was fixed in that release.
Whether the bullets should be removed is a good question. I'd like someone else to speak their mind?
Or maybe a third option - replace bullets-as-formatting with bullets-as-unicode-symbol?
Quote: Whether the bullets should be removed is a good question.
The answer is No. Sometimes i need to remove formatting like underline, italic, etc. I definitely want to keep my bullet list! As posted a month ago, i can select all relevant lines and press Ctrl+L twice to remove the bullets, if i really like to.
This is my reasoning: anything I cannot edit as a text character is formatting. It cannot be rendered when formatting is disabled and I expect it to vanish when I clear formatting.
Putting a character is a possible option, but questions appear:
Testing 2.0.3-beta1: 4-6 almost fixed. One problem left:
1. Enable formatting, new note, make couple bullets, save
2. Disable formatting
3. Open the note: bullets are cleared on open (correct)
4. Save note without modification
Result: bullets are saved and rendered in the notes list. To see that they are really saved, enable formatting again and open the note. I think this is because note with formatting is not marked dirty when it is opened with formatting disabled.
7-8 does not reproduce anymore.
Is this issue still actual?