Shortcut to clear tag selection or an option to do it automatically on search
my aim: I want to do a search over all notes
my problem: the feature to just start typing to search is often not working because I notice that a previous tag selection is still active. So CintaNotes only searches within the current tags.
Why not hitting the escape button befor searching? >> You never know how often you have to hit the ESC button! (Well, you could figure it out - but that would slow you down.) I often found myself minimizing CintaNotes although I wanted to do a search.
The problem with ESC is that it depends on whether or not the search field contains something AND/OR some tags had been selected.
I have to hit ESC 2 times whenever tag selection AND search field are in use.
I have to hit ESC 1 time when only tag selection OR search field are in use.
Otherwise I may not hit ESC or CintaNotes gets minimized.
Suggestion 1:
ESC button clears search field AND tag selection at once. (This could be an option.)
Suggestion 2:
Option to let CTRL+F not only clear (select) the search field but also clear a previous tag selection.
Suggestion 3:
New shortcut for one of the above mentioned actions.
my problem: the feature to just start typing to search is often not working because I notice that a previous tag selection is still active. So CintaNotes only searches within the current tags.
Why not hitting the escape button befor searching? >> You never know how often you have to hit the ESC button! (Well, you could figure it out - but that would slow you down.) I often found myself minimizing CintaNotes although I wanted to do a search.
The problem with ESC is that it depends on whether or not the search field contains something AND/OR some tags had been selected.
I have to hit ESC 2 times whenever tag selection AND search field are in use.
I have to hit ESC 1 time when only tag selection OR search field are in use.
Otherwise I may not hit ESC or CintaNotes gets minimized.
Suggestion 1:
ESC button clears search field AND tag selection at once. (This could be an option.)
Suggestion 2:
Option to let CTRL+F not only clear (select) the search field but also clear a previous tag selection.
Suggestion 3:
New shortcut for one of the above mentioned actions.

There are many controversial votes on this request - all anonymous!?
I'm not surprised that some people out there don't care about this feature.
From different working styles arise different needs.
What I don't understand is that someone actually is against this feature
request as it is fully optional.
No one would be forced to use it and one additional shortcut will not add up
any relevant amount of complexity.
Maybe some of the anonymous voters want to log in and we start a discussion
about where they see any problems.
I'm not surprised that some people out there don't care about this feature.
From different working styles arise different needs.
What I don't understand is that someone actually is against this feature
request as it is fully optional.
No one would be forced to use it and one additional shortcut will not add up
any relevant amount of complexity.
Maybe some of the anonymous voters want to log in and we start a discussion
about where they see any problems.

Hi Chris,
these are actually two issues. My experience is, that a feature request should make clear, what the supposed change actually is. Describing reasons for it or discussing options can make people confusing about what the post is actually about. I suggest to first describe what the changes are. The reasons for it and a discussion on it can be started with a separate comment. The forum has also proven to be a good starting point on developing a suggestion and transform it to request on the roadmap thereafter. Maybe not all people will read the forum or take part in it. But leaving the discussion there should give less controversial results here. The second point is that the roadmap allows for anonymous votes. I think this should be changed. For voting a login should be requested.
As for your request i posted a separate request http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/106741-shortcut-to-reset-all-filters/ which arised from a discussion on another post of yours.
these are actually two issues. My experience is, that a feature request should make clear, what the supposed change actually is. Describing reasons for it or discussing options can make people confusing about what the post is actually about. I suggest to first describe what the changes are. The reasons for it and a discussion on it can be started with a separate comment. The forum has also proven to be a good starting point on developing a suggestion and transform it to request on the roadmap thereafter. Maybe not all people will read the forum or take part in it. But leaving the discussion there should give less controversial results here. The second point is that the roadmap allows for anonymous votes. I think this should be changed. For voting a login should be requested.
As for your request i posted a separate request http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/106741-shortcut-to-reset-all-filters/ which arised from a discussion on another post of yours.

There is problem of forgetting to reset to "All", when we type search words.
I also thought about that and have ideas, but difficult to express in English to me.

Thanks for your comment.
If you mean that we have to consider the 'ALL' section -> I fully agree. (This request was written before sections did exist.) So this shortcut could also set the active section to 'All'. If others don't like this specific part of the request it could be easily only an option.
If you mean that we have to consider the 'ALL' section -> I fully agree. (This request was written before sections did exist.) So this shortcut could also set the active section to 'All'. If others don't like this specific part of the request it could be easily only an option.

No, I don't mean 'ALL sections' .... How about Shift+Escape for 'AlLL sections' ? ... very easy shortcut for left hand.

It may signalize to us with blue font colour in search box .... to prevent forgeting to reset to "All" .

... and if cursor on search box, 1st Escape should reset to "All".
(behavior of Escape depends of focus on search box or not). Now 1st Escape resets search box.
In version 2.3:
When active (=1), pressing Ctrl+F will clear all active text and tag filters. Default value: 0 (disabled).
Customer support service by UserEcho
In version 2.3:
When active (=1), pressing Ctrl+F will clear all active text and tag filters. Default value: 0 (disabled).