CintaNotes is a Windows application for fast and convenient note taking. It can clip text from any application on a hot key, has a powerful tagging system and effective full-text search capability.

Note text gets highlighted all by itself

jerome shih 7 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 7 лет назад 10

Somehow a lot of my notes are highlighted, I don't like it.
I hope that the highlight of these notes can be removed, especially can be removed in a batch way.

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Add CintaNotes to the Chocolatey distribution system (

branscha 8 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 8 лет назад 1

Chocolatey is a system to keep track of which versions of which applications is installed on a windows machine. It is comparable to apt-get on Ubuntu.


Competitive Pricing with Evernote

Neil Moore 8 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 8 лет назад 4

Evernote charges $35/year (USD) and $70/year (USD). Asking price of CintaNotes is $39, which is very ballsy for an app that doesn't yet have cross platform support implemented, let alone the extensive and growing list of features that Evernote has. Not only that, but Evernote is offering 50% off on their Premium plan, which actually ends up being cheaper than CintaNote's asking price. Part of why I'm here is because Evernote's "free" plan is becoming restrictive enough to warrant a second look at their pricing scheme, as well as competitor options. I'm happy to see that CintaNotes is heading towards direct competition with Evernote. The problem I foresee with CintaNotes gaining traction in a market that's currently dominated by Evernote, is an asking price that isn't competitive and unattractive. If I was at the helm, I'd set the asking price to no more than $20/year. If you somehow manage to implement key features that Evernote users want, you'll steal away Evernote users, and turn them into paying users at a healthy pace. And, for a price that's noticeably lower than Evernote's, paying customers will be forgiving due to the lack of features. As the CintaNote's userbase increases and catches up to Evernote's existing feature list, you can then make the choice to return the annual price to something that works best for you. Until then, it's simply too much and is hindering your efforts. Hopefully you'll agree. :) These are, of course, my opinions. You're welcome to handle CintaNote's pricing scheme and development however you want. I would rather support the efforts of CintaNote's because I used it for many years and recommended it to many people due to its usefulness and lightweight nature. I sincerely hope you consider altering the pricing scheme, as it will undoubtedly work out in your favor.



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Problem with CintaNotes Icon on System Tray (Stretched /Blurry Icon) on High DPI screen (120 DPI /125%)

Indrayanto Suharko 8 лет назад обновлен anonymous 7 лет назад 3

On High DPI screen (at 120 DPI /125%), when we look at CintaNotes App Icon on System Tray, it looks Stretched/Blurry.

Is it possible to make the icon becomes High DPI aware?

Image 79

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Emojis (smileys) support

Jose 8 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 8 лет назад 1

I like me suggest support for emojis. Thanks

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Notes list without showing tags; notes list liability; toggle button for tags visibility;

Noah 10 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 10 лет назад 3
Now I saw that tags are shortened from "Tag1/Tag2" to only "Tag2".
That's not helpful.
As I trust cintanotes to work correctly, I suggest to make showing of notes list without tags possible.
The tags are simply not needed when searching for notes from the tag bar.

For those browsing the notes list only, o.k.
Then a toggle button could switch tags in note list on/off.

Furthermore, the liability of the notes list is not so good; reading from top to bottom is not easy due to change from notes title to tags and vice versa and so on.

Thanks in advance for looking at this problem!

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Remove Formatting for URL in Note

Chris Moore 8 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 8 лет назад 1

There are rare times when I would like to put a URL into a note, but not have CN try and format it as a URL. At the moment, this can't be done as far as I can tell, it would be nice to have an option - like the right click Format->Clear option - that would allow you to click on a hyperlink in a note and remove it as a hyperlink (while leaving the text obviously). Basically the same as in Microsoft Word.


tag drop down is cut off on monitor border

ChrisCN 9 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 9 лет назад 7
this annoys me for quite a time - but never found time to report it...

If you have the editor window open and type in some tags the drop down gets larger than the screen border
Image 69
editing tags keyboard

Notes lost when merged in modified order

panos771 panos771 12 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 12 лет назад 0
Do the following:
1. Sort notes as modified from newer to older
2. Make 3 new notes (note1, note2, note3).
 (If we merge these notes the text will be note3-note2-note1 but we want the opposite).
3.Invert the order of list
4. Press [end] to go to the bottom of the list.
5. merge the 3 notes
6. Note1 and note3 are lost! we see only note 2.
Same problem does not happen when the notes displayed by creation order.
Alex Jenter 12 лет назад
Fixed in 1.5.6
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Add "Delete Note" button to note editor

Alex Jenter 10 лет назад обновлен 10 лет назад 3
Using Ctrl+Del is fine, but having a button will be more convenient. (AnTul)

Error when editing dates in notes

Viktor 9 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 9 лет назад 4
In note properties it is not possible to edit seconds, this sometimes leads to problems when trying to reset modification date to creation date.
Please make it possible to edit seconds.

(Original request in Russian:
В свойстве заметки невозможно менять секунды в датах (создания, изменения).
Т.о. если указать одинаковые даты может возникнуть ошибка "дата создания больше чем дата изменения".
Например было:
Дата создания: 01.01.2015 15:40:20
Дата изменения: 01.01.2015 15:42:10
Хочу их сделать одинаковыми (при этом секунды редактировать нельзя):
Дата создания: 01.01.2015 15:40:20
Дата изменения: 01.01.2015 15:40:10
Возникает ошибка.
Добавьте возможность редактировать секунды.
Только не обнуляйте их, а то сортировка сломается.)

error date-time

Multiple Colored Strings in one line. E.G., <White>Jascha Heifetz</White> <LtBlue>Tchaikovsky</LtBlue> <LtGreen>Reiner, Chicago Symphony</LtGreen> AND ALSO... Change Background color to Dark-Brown-Black (for example).

first name last name 13 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 13 лет назад 2

My reason for this request is I want to use this software for one purpose: Retrieve information on my music files collection in a single pane flat-list hyperlinked note base. The colored strings give me instant feedback about the "Tag", ie, White=ARTIST, LtBlue=COMPOSER, LtGreen=PERFORMER, etc etc.

It would be perfect if all text was bold font, and the Background color was Dark Brown-Black.

Ideally, I could also select a string line and link it to ONE or MORE external links (such as open folders or run a DOS-batch file or a Program)

Ideally, the perfect software for this task would have vertical and horizontal scroll bars and allow NO WORD WRAP !! and Have a "CTRL+F" function as good as in "Firefox".

Thanks for reading.

viewing organizing
Alex Jenter 13 лет назад
Hello and thanks for your feedback!
Unfortunately it cannot be accepted in the form it is stated.
1) It contains multiple suggestions. There must be exactly one suggestion per idea.
2) It is too verbose. Please try to reformulate it in a more compact and general manner so that other users will be willing to vote for it.
Thank you!


File link including arguments

Han54377 9 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 9 лет назад 2
Is it possible to have a file link in note including command line arguments?
I looked this up n the forum and only found hint to

So, found "file:///" and hint to spaces "%20"; I tried some URLs with added commandline arguments but the error "file not found" always appears.
Simply dragging a shortcut from desktop doesn't work, too.

Reason is to start or focus a program with a given link.
I would like to combine UltraRecall with CintaNotes, where UltraRecall is a local wiki tool while CintaNotes has the best tagging around; solution at the moment is that I use TaggedFrog (I will try TaggTool for that, too)

Is there a solution for that?


taking/clipping clipboard external drag-and-drop command-line links
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Search Modifier

Chris Moore 10 лет назад обновлен 10 лет назад 7
I have my search bar set to 'tags' for all of my notebooks, as the tag is the primary means for me of locating notes. However, from time to time, I like to do other searches - such as full text. In this case, I have to change the search field to full text, do the search, and then change it back to tags afterwards. It would be nice to have a search modifier - I suggest the > character - that we could type at the beginning of the search field to have CN do a full text search, regardless of what the search field is set to search.

In my example, the search field would be set to tags. If I then type the following, CN will do a full text search for the word:
> test
(Will do a full text serach for the word 'test')

CintaNotes for Workgroups

Thomas Lohrum 11 лет назад обновлен Christof Deininger 9 лет назад 10
CintaNotes is a perfect desktop client for a single user taking notes. This limitation is a pity. I suggest to introduce support for workgroups. Add the ability to share and manage notes amongst a number of users in a (small) team.

Christof Deininger 9 лет назад
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Поясните некоторые моменты

Vorland 11 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 11 лет назад 2

Есть некоторые непонятки в версии 2.0.3 под Windows XP SP3 Russian:

1) Почему-то не работает выбор цвета заливки в Свойствах секции - можно выбрать только основные цвета, а при выборе "Дополнительных цветов" или при "Определении цвета" вручную он меняется в окошке цвета, но не меняется как надо в окне программы (я это заметил при выборе светлых оттенков серого цвета). Вообще мне не понятен алгоритм раскраски окна заметок при выборе цвета - нельзя ли явно задать цвет для каждого элемента окна?

2) При копировании заметки в буфер обмена (при выбранном английском языке), при вставке скопированной заметки из буфера обмена в другое приложение (я пробовал в Bred), вместо символов кириллицы вставляются вопросительные знаки. При выбранном русском языке - всё нормально. Проблема известная - если я не ошибаюсь, необходимо Clipboard-у сообщать о кодовой странице копируемой заметки. Можно ли исправить? (В Блокнот Windows и WordPad всё вставляется нормально - возможно, проблема проявляется у "старых" приложений)

И немного вопросов по функционалу программы:

Как работает сохранение заметок в базу: сразу после её создания? Насколько база устойчива к внезапному выключению питания или BSOD Windows? Нельзя ли сделать в меню команду принудительного сброса (сохранения) всей кэшированной информации в базу?
Какие настройки надо сделать в файле cintanotes.settings для наиболее безопасной работы базы, касающихся сохранения данных на диск?

Как изменить тип шрифта и его размер для окна редактирования заметок (через файл cintanotes.settings можно изменить только моноширинный шрифт или я не прав)?

А какова политика обновления лицензии после 1 года бесплатных обновлений? Меня интересует цена для русскоязычных пользователей

Alex Jenter 11 лет назад
1) Some coloring issues will be fixed in 2.0.4. However please note that CintaNotes uses only the hue of the selected color, to ensure that all tabs have colors which are evenly bright and look good together.

2) Seems to be a bug. Please post this as a bug report here on the roadmap.

> How does notes saving to db-file works?
The note is saved when you press the OK button, or Ctrl+Enter, or ESC.
You can also save manually without closing the editor via pressing Ctrl+S.
An autosave feature is planned for the future, you can vote for it here:

>What settings should be made in the "cintanotes.settings" file for the safest work of the db-file, concerning notes saving to the db-file?
To ensure that no data gets corrupted even in case of a sudden system crash or hardware fault, you can set the "sqlite.pragma.synchronous" option to "FULL" instead of "OFF" in the settings file. This, however, will introduce a noticeable delay to all saving operations.


>How to change type of a font and its size for a editing notes window?

As Thomas has said, you can change the font settings with the "Options -> Notes List..." menu option. They affect both the notes list and note editor.


>what policy of updating of the license after 1 year of free updatings? Interesting price for Russian users?

The cost of 1-year updates prolongation will be 50% of the actual license price. (Please note that the actual license price is used and not the price which was paid a year ago for the original license.) So now it will amount to 199.5 roubles.


Accept tag autocomplete on RIGHT ARROW key

kazak 11 лет назад обновлен Christof Deininger 9 лет назад 4

It seems to me natural to confirm autocomplete also with RIGHT ARROW key.

  Currently we  confirm with ENTER.

tags autocomplete keyboard
Christof Deininger 9 лет назад
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Error in seconds when editing dates in notes

Viktor 9 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 9 лет назад 5
В свойствах заметки при редактировании даты.
1. Редактирую время в "Дате создания"
2. Заполняю часы, поле редактирования переходит на минуты.
3. Заполняю минуты, поле редактирования переходит на "Дату изменения". Это ОШИБКА, поле редактирования должно переходить на секунды.
4. Редактирую время в "Дате изменения"
5. Заполняю часы, поле редактирования переходит на минуты.
6. Заполняю минуты, поле редактирования остается на минутах. Это ОШИБКА, поле редактирования должно переходить на секунды.
error date-time

Editor: Links still highlighted when "highlight links" is off (V1.5.1)

Alex Jenter 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Alex Jenter 13 лет назад
Fixed in 1.5.2

Notes List; No display of tags

Noah 12 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 12 лет назад 0

 When You use the tag list on the left, showing tags on the right may not be needed. For many notes, list gets "cleaner" when only showing the title.

Maybe I missed a configuration so far; so, this is done as a question.


viewing notes-list configuring cosmetic
Alex Jenter 12 лет назад

 Sorry for late reply!

No, there's no such option at this moment.

Please vote here:



Broken link on site

Михаил Шутов 13 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 13 лет назад 0
"Synchronize notes across multiple PCs
CintaNotes supports live note synchronization with the help of free online services such as DropBox or LiveMesh."
LiveMesh link is , which is 404
Alex Jenter 13 лет назад
Fixed, thanks!

Subtitles integration

Yaroslav Yakovlev 11 лет назад обновлен Christof Deininger 9 лет назад 2

So that you could use cintanotes to switch between different subtitles and grab them into cintanotes. For instance to learn language by watching sitcom.

Christof Deininger 9 лет назад
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
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Configurable position of section tabs

Alex Jenter 10 лет назад обновлен 8 лет назад 1
Add option to configure section tabs position. For example, if placed on the right side, more sections will fit.
configuring sections section-bar

Make paragraph auto-indent feature optional (V1.5.1)

Alex Jenter 13 лет назад обновлен 13 лет назад 0
Alex Jenter 13 лет назад
Completed in 1.5.2

Roadmap: Be more specific about planed features

MuadDib 14 лет назад обновлен Alex Jenter 13 лет назад 3
Within the roadmap, feature suggestions are marked as "planed", "under review" etc. When a feature is planed, it would be nice to get more specific information: Is it they planed as an optional feature (i.e. some sort of plugin), or something that will be part of the core app?

Perhaps the "planed" state can be split in "planed as core feature" and "planed as optional feature" or the like?


As it is in the sense of both the developer and many users to keep CN simple and don't go into the "featurism" trap, it would be comforting to see at first glance whether a feature is optional, and hence won't necessarily bloat the code that *every* user will have to install.

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