Your requests by status


Opening a new main window for some tag selection

ChrisCN 12 year бұрын updated by Christof Deininger 9 year бұрын 2

tag drop down is cut off on monitor border

ChrisCN 9 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 9 year бұрын 7
Under review

Text formatted with "highlight" gets printed as "italic"

ChrisCN 10 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 10 year бұрын 8

Mark a whole line e.g. bold with one key stroke

ChrisCN 11 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 10 year бұрын 14

make the list of notes look more balanced (link symbol makes list bumpy)

ChrisCN 12 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 10 year бұрын 3

Simplenotes synchronisation: move note to other section doubles entry

ChrisCN 10 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 10 year бұрын 8
Under review

Simplenote: make text formatting less obtrusive

ChrisCN 10 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 10 year бұрын 9
Not a bug

Copying notes into MS-Word or Outlook leads to ugly formatting

ChrisCN 12 year бұрын updated by Arseniy (CN Support Team) 11 year бұрын 1

Shortcut to clear tag selection or an option to do it automatically on search

ChrisCN 12 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 11 year бұрын 7

Tag sidebar: when both parent and child tags are selected, the parent should stay selected when the child is deselected

ChrisCN 11 year бұрын updated by Alex Jenter 11 year бұрын 3