Under review
Drag and drop Outlook attachments without having them saved first; same for the email itself
Today is possible to attach a file to a note, by drag&drop from File Explorer; therefore Outlook attachments must be saved first, then drag&dropped. It would be great to drag&drop directly from Outlook.
Same for the full email itself - drag&drop as note attachment directly from Outlook, without having to save it first as .msg.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Thanks for the suggestion!
I see the convenience of the request but would not use it myself.
Such feature may cause negative side effects.
Depending on the version of MS Outlook, there is little security check of attachments build into Outlook. If used stand-alone (without prior security check on an exchange server), the Operating System's built-in security check during the saving of the attachment may be the only security scan of the attachment. By drag&drop into CN and then opening the attachment, it might circumnavigate such security scan. That could result in a security risk when opening a malware attachment.
Regarding drag&drop of a complete email into file-type msg:
From a workflow point-of-view I would discourage this, because my experience with opening storeg .msg-files has been bad. For me, there are just some messages as .msg I have stored from MS Outlook in the last 15 years and I cannot open any longer. And if the email-conversation was encrypted, then it becomes even more unlikely that opening will be possible. For the sake of reliability, for a drag&drop copy of a full email I would only use 'text' as target format.
Thanks a lot for your thoughts, Axel!
There is an implementation of the drag&drop feature in TreeProjects here https://personaldatabase.org/ .It is using eml-format. From a workflow perspective I quite like it.
Regarding the second part, .msg is a very convenient way to store a long conversation with lot of attachments. I've used it for years without experiencing any kind of problems.
Both features are already in CN, but have to drop it first to a folder or desktop, then to a note. Why not skipping the intermediate step.