
Copy Tags / Paste Tags function

Alex Jenter 12 år siden opdateret af Christof Deininger 9 år siden 2
Quite often we need to quickly copy the tags from one note to another. Now 10 (!) steps are required for this simple action:
1) Press Enter to open the source note
2) Press Ctrl+Down to go to the Tags field
3) Press Ctrl+A to select all tags
4) Press Ctrl+C to copy tags to clipboard
5) Press Esc to close the note
6) Find the target note in the list
7) Press Enter to open it
8) Press Ctrl+Down to go to the Tags field
9) Press Ctrl+V to paste tags
10) Press Enter to close and save the note.

How it could be done:

1) Press Ctrl+Shift+C to copy tags

2) Find the target note in the list

2) Press Ctrl+Shift+V to paste tags.

organizing clipboard complexity:easy tags


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