
Inserting notes in another application does not work with Putty

xasik 12 років тому оновлено Alex Jenter 12 років тому 0

1. Работаю в Putty.

2. Перехожу в CintaNoter.

3. Нахожу нужную заметку.

4. Нажимаю колесико мышки или Ctrl+Enter.

5. Заметка не вставляется в Putty

Почему заметки не вставляются в Putty?

P.S. Я обладатель персональной лицензии

== Translated by Google Translate ==

1. I work in Putty.

2. Pass in CintaNoter.

3. Find the right note.

4. I press the middle mouse button or Ctrl + Enter.

5. The note is inserted in Putty

Why not note inserted in Putty?

P.S. I am a personal license holder


Confirmed. PuTTy doesn't support Ctrl+V, CN will have to use Shift+Ins instead. One possible solution would be to add an option to CN which shortcut to use.


Confirmed. PuTTy doesn't support Ctrl+V, CN will have to use Shift+Ins instead. One possible solution would be to add an option to CN which shortcut to use.