Double click on "All" in Sidebar should reset search box
I think this usability is needed, because "x" button to small and far from sidebar.

Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Currently we use double Escape to reset both search box and Tag panel.
Double click will be mouse equivalent of double Escape, and ease to explain in help file.

Nice idea, and easy to implement.
As soon as it gets 10+ score will be put in production!

Who use mouse knows click on "X" not easy, so please vote. Maybe if X button placed on left side of search box, it will be easy to click.
Alex, please notice, idea is about "double click", not 1st and 2nd click.

Please, check my request http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/106741-shortcut-to-reset-all-filters/ for resetting tag+search filter using the keyboard, which goes along to the request here.

Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
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