Tagasi lükatud

Save selected search mode in settings

Alex Jenter 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Christof Deininger 9 aastat tagasi 4
I always use "Tags" search
after cintanotes starting I set this type of search every time
which is not very convenient...


Tagasi lükatud
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
I would like to expand this request by asking whether we could do a search (select tags - add search phrases) and then 'save' this query for later use.
I thought it would be quite clever / consistent do show this saved queries like 'special tags' on the left side. (Similar to a concept where 'virtual folders' are shown side by side to the real folders).
Tagasi lükatud
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.