
Option to keep the current tag selection active after removing a tag from a note

ChrisCN hace 13 años actualizado por Alex Jenter hace 13 años 3
If I select the relevant tags to show a list of currently relevant notes and then want to exclude one of the notes (= delete one of its tag) the current behaviour is to set the tag selection to ALL.

Example: I want to show a list of "personal" "tasks" and get rid of the tasks without deleting the notes. But after I delete the tag "tasks" I 'loose' my personal task list (because now I see ALL notes again).
I have to reselect the tags 'tasks' and 'personal' to get my list back.

What I suggest is an option to keep the current tag selection also after removing a tag from one of its notes.



Implemented as default behavior
Released in 1.7 
If you delete the "tasks" tag via middle-clicking on "tasks" (or pressing F4 and writing "tasks" into the second edit box), the tag selection stays.
After editing a note tag selection is reset for the purpose of following the UI guidelines: "you must see what you've just edited". If tag selection was to stay, the note would disappear.
It can probably be made into an option, but I haven't come up with an elegant way to do it without complicating the UI.
En revisión
Implemented as default behavior
Released in 1.7