
Autosave currently edited note

Alex Jenter 14 years ago updated 7 years ago 16
Currently the changes to the note are saved only when we close the edit dialog. But sometimes editor windows are open for a long time and in case of a system crash or power failure the changes will be lost. Having an autosaved version would be very nice. But it should be possible to dismiss all changes done since opening the note as well.
If we remember only ONE last unsaved note, we get a problem of overwriting it by another cancelled note. Scenario:

1. Start a New Note. Write some text.
2. Start another New Note, write there.
3. Cancel second note, CN auto-saves it.
4. Cancel first note, CN auto-saves this one and kills a copy of second one.

I suggest adding system "draft" tag (tag name could be defined by user). Cancelled notes would get this label.

Additionally, this enables future implementation of auto-saving feature for big notes (just like GMail auto-saves big letters to Draft label), if we ever want it.
I think everything will be much simpler as soon as Recycle Bin is implemented, the unsaved notes would just go there.
Indeed it's the simpliest solution.

On the other hand, deleted items and auto-saved have slightly different origin.

Deleted and canceled items look almost the same, but if we ever go auto-saving, sending it to trash wouldn't be correct.

What I'm saying is that 3 possible scenarios exist when CN saves notes without user explicitly pressing Ok. And 2 may be covered with Recycle Bin.
Why only 2 and not all of them, could you elaborate please?

1. User deletes a note. No confirmation, note goes to Recycle Bin.
2. User cancels a New Note. Note gets saved in.. ok, Recycle Bin.

Number 3 was just an idea about GMail-like drafts and auto-save behavior, that would make drafts of new notes that are being edited longer than X seconds. In this case drafts should no go to Recycle Bin since user doesn't intend to throw something away.

So I was just referencing possible, yet not existing feature and could be wrong in that.
Well I see no problem in autosaving drafts in Recycle bin and moving them out of there on "OK" press. Or is there some inherent problem with this approach?
Good point!

If user is writing something, and the note got auto-saved in the bin, further 2 actions possible: user cancels note, and it remains in the bin as in "cancel" scenario, or confirms it with OK and there's no point to store it in bin (or "draft") anymore.

I see no more problems, thanks.
Instead of, or in addition to this idea, I suggest adding the CTRL-S shortcut to save the currently active note manually. I often work on a note and would like to save its contents in case of a crash.
Same here. Auto saving is not that important when you can save manually using Ctrl+S.
"ESC means OK" is horribly counter-intuitive. Users expect ESC to mean "Cancel". If changes have been made then either (1) prompt to keep or discard the changes; or (2) save the _change_ into DRAFTS or RECYCLE BIN. In no event should ESC automatically keep the changed version.
Allow me to save the note while in edit window, e.g. Ctrl+S. This way ESC and not saving the entry is less harmful. Also ESC could ask whether to save the change, but only ask, when the note was modified. Myself i like ESC to save and exit. It's quick.