
Ability to make a CN note-window narrower

Tom OS 12 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 9

I want to be able to have a note open on one side of the screen for occasional reference. Currently it takes up much more space than necessary for this. (Oddly, I can make the main window narrower than note window, but I'd like to be able to make the note window even narrower!)

Thanks, Tom

editing complexity:easy other-ui


Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Imo the problem is, that CN uses the last window position and size as the default for other windows to open. So every window that will open up consecutively it will display as a very small window too, which is probably not what you intended. You might want to vote for this request individual size and position of editor window, which i have just created.

"CN uses the last window position and size as the default for other windows to open" - This is not quite correct. CN stores the position of 1st, 2nd, 3rd etc editor windows separately. So that when you open one window, position 1 is used, when you open a second editor window, position 2 is used.

Thanks for your explanation. Now i finally understand, why my editor windows "jump around". For example i have one editor, which uses a large width to display tabular like data. Another editor uses a smaller width to edit some sticky note. When i close both editors and reopen them later it can happen that the both editors size and position have switched. This is definitely not, what i have intended. The current design is less than favourable. My desire to have this solution http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/161112-remember-window-size-and-position-for-each-note-separetely/ has grown.

Thanks Thomas for comment and new suggestion.

Another option would be to simply have note-windows open to a default size & location

The problem is in the new sections dropdown, it's width has been added to the min window width. Can be fixed via making the width of this control dynamic, and probably also dynamically hiding the timestamps on the left. Unfortunately the UI framework currently doesn't allow to do this easily, so it will need to be implemented by hand.

Thanks Alex for the explanations - it was a bit presumptious of me to add the tag [complexity:easy]
Obviously your call on whether it's worth the effort.

No problem! As soon as it gets 10 votes we'll be able to start working on this.

Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.