Numbered notes

Both Dr.XYZ and Kyra Dune can also keep track of personal pursuits, including baseball, basketball, kids-related etc. If Kyra adds those as Sections. Because these are personal notebooks.
Then Kyra can track:
"My books" Section "Flight of Dragons" Note #31
"Book Trailer $100" Section "Client Karl" Note #47
"Kids-related" Section "My son Bob" Note #1
"Kids-related" Section "My daughter Jesse" Note #2
"Hobbies" Section "Watching Basketball" Note #1
by using GOTO in "File" menu (see design above)
"My son Bob" is Note#1 has many texts in it including attachments, if any. in the same note #1 in Section "Kids-related"
Date born:
School working hours and phone number:
School address:
Smartphone number and email address:
"My dr. Jesse" is Note#2 has many texts in it (same as above) including attachments, if any. in the same note #2 in Section "Kids-related"
Sample entry in "Watching Basketball" note in "Hobbies" section
Some facts about basketball stats.
Favorite players and teams keeping track of.
Addresses of websites to remember about basketball.
Including attachments! She could store photos
Sample entry in "Music listening" note in "Hobbies" section Note #1
Artists subscribed to in Spotify / other online music services.
Username / password of Spotify.
Attachments of autographs scanned as .JPEG attachments
Customer support service by UserEcho
Lets say I am Kyra Dune.
"My books" Section "Flight of Dragons" Note #31
"Book Trailer $100" Section "Client Karl" Note #47
"Kids-related" Section "My son Bob" Note #1
"Kids-related" Section "My daughter Jesse" Note #2
"Hobbies" Section "Watching Basketball" Note #1"Book reading" Section "A Cup of Chicken Soup" Note #20
"Hobbies" Section "Music Listening" Note #2
She just writes down in a physical piece of paper:
GOTO 47 in BOOK TRAILER $100 <--current client number is 47, previous client was Note 46 in BOOK TRAILER $100 Section
GOTO 2 in KIDS-RELATED (daughter Jesse)
MY BOOKS, KIDS-RELATED, HOBBIES etc. are section names! not note names...
Thanks for the suggestion!