Under review

Images/pictures inside notes

Alex Jenter 12 years ago updated by Paul Byer 2 years ago 19

Ability to insert images directly into note's text (not only as attachements).

editing complexity:hard text-formatting
Under review

What could be more useful than this...

In my line of work, apart from taking notes on a daily basis, I also need to constantly keep track of status, progress and results, which are not always presented in a text form. The solution is to take screenshots to preserve the state, which at the moment I would have the link the image file into CN.

While I'm not sure what's the best way to manage the image files i.e. in CN data/image folder or imbedded into the .db file (but I wouldn't want to compromise on the tiny of CN database), or perhaps some other, better way? (also need to think about synchronization with Simplenote which does not support images). That being said, this feature would be an instant killer.

How about a hot-key to take a snapshot and automatically compress the image to a minimum size? Think about it!
Adi, thanks for your comment! It has some very useful ideas and we'll definitely take it into account when implementing this feature. BTW there already exists this suggestion, I guess you might want to vote for it: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/3131-picture-clipping/
Please, please, please!!!
Having the ability to paste images inline will open up doors to a huge group of users like myself constantly dealing with visual notes.
Thanks for your comment! Please also try to bring other people to vote for this idea, as you see it needs a bit of backing
I'll add my vote to this feature please: sometimes I need to save a pic and it's much easier to save the pic with CN than having to copy and paste a link or something similar.
Please add this VERY USEFUL feature!

For everyone who likes this request => you should also have a look at this request: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/666-inline-links-to-attached-files/ and vote. ;-)

It's not exactly the same, but just as useful.

Please add this feature.

I was staggered to be told that this is not possible! What could be less useful than making a note of a page with lots of important graphics, and not being able to include them?

What is even more surprising is that the feature has not been implemented since this was added here 4 years ago.

I understand how you feel about it, the reason is that CintaNotes from the beginning was heavily text-oriented and to gain competitive edge we continued to improve it in this direction and added tag hierarchy and autotagging rules. For richly formatted notes with images there's always been Evernote and Onenote, and we thought that to survive we must do something different.

However we do realise how important this is, and still plan to implement it.

Also looking forward to it.

Also looking forward to it!

Please add this. Is the only major feature still missing.

Planned for v4.0

Please add copy/paste feature of pictures directly into notes body from clipboard.

(This feature would most likely cause me to spend some more money ^^)

Yes this is planned for future versions, thanks!

So after 10 years of asking for it....has it been included yet?