
Inline links to attached files

Alex Jenter 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 11

Add ability to link from text to attached file

files links
Satisfaction mark by Alex Jenter 8 years ago

I didn't realize that this hasn't been already on the list.

I remember we discussed it here: http://cintanotes.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=2048&p=10312&hilit=inline+images#p10280

And I really hope this gets enough votes. It's nearly as great as real inline images but with less effort.

Agreed, inline links to attached images would make documentation (research and such) easy to follow with images that are one click away.

THANKS - that's great :-)

Thanks Alex. This is great for linking to larger attached images. I'm still hoping you decide to implement inline images for those of us who need image information embedded within text. Right now, AllMyNotes is doing the job but I'd prefer to use CintaNotes which isn't limited by the often clunky tree structure approach.

Thanks for your comment, Karl! Regarding inline images - have you already voted here:

http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/639-imagespictures-inside-notes/ ?