
Simplenotes synchronisation: move note to other section doubles entry

ChrisCN 11 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 11 years ago 8

It's the first time I gave Simplenote a try - so maybe I didn't understand how it's working - but I think I found a bug:

If I create a note in a section that is synced and then move this note to a section that is not synced, this note:

 - is not deleted from Simplenote

 - get's synced back to the old section in CintaNotes

which results in a double entry of this note (one in the original section and one in the new section)

sections syncing


Released in V2.5
I think this will do exactly what you need:

If you don't mind, I'll merge your request with that one.
Under review

Hi Chris!

Thanks for the report. I assume you're now on CN 2.4.

I've tried to reproduce the problem, but no luck - in my case, the note gets deleted from SN. 

If you could provide more info (or maybe even a debug log), this would be great! thanks

I have sent you an email with details. Hope this helps.

Got it, thanks a lot, we're already investigating..

Released in V2.5