
Import/export of selected notes from/to individual files

Alex Jenter 15 years ago updated 6 years ago 13
Export command should provide option to put each note into separate file using some naming scheme
import export complexity:medium
This suggestion was meant for text only files -- albeit link addresses should be included. Other formats haven't the same priority for me. KiSS!
Under review

I would like to have an option for smart exporting of all linked notes, e.g. "Also export all linked notes".

In which case internal links must be transformed to some file link. Linked notes shall all be exported to the same directory and may use an artifical file name. Also the note's title could be used by taking care of invalid characters, that are not allowed in the file system. This request refers to CN's feature of linking notes, that will be available with CN 2.0.

I would also like to see an additional export option added to the product. In addition to the current scope options, the user should be able to choose between the following type of export formats:

  • Single file - Current functionality. All notes are exported into a single file sorted by their date/timestamp.
  • Individual notes by section - All notes in each section are exported into a separate file (i.e. each section equals a separate file). Each file is named after their respective section.
  • Individual notes by note name - All notes are exported into separate files individually. Duplicate note names have a numeric value appended. Invalid characters are replaced with a standard equivalent.
Thanks for the input, Novan, we'll definitely take it into account when implementing this feature!

Hi guys, i need this option too, because it takes a lot of time to export individual notes to txt files (i read them on my ebook).
Hi Серега,
thanks for your comment! Please note that there exists a workaround that automates most of the work:

Hi Guys
When will this feature be available ??

We will start it after the release of version 4.0 with new UI. So, somewhere in 2019 is the best estimate I can make.

Hi Alex, As we are well into 2019, is there an update on this ?

As you see V4 is still not released, this means that this feature can't be started yet. Sorry!