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Normal tab, up, down

Devil may Cry 13 aastat tagasi uuendaja Alex Jenter 7 aastat tagasi 9
I would like to have an option to use tab and up/down arrows normally.

Tab is just tab, it will not jump to tags, links etc.
Up,down are just up and down, it will not slip down to tags, links...

If many people are used to that ok. Let them have it.
But can I have just one check box which says "everything is as it should be in txt editor" ;)
editing configuring complexity:easy text-formatting


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Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
Thanks for the suggestion! Actually Ctrl+Tab does just that. Or would you like to have the option to swap the behavior of Tab and Ctrl+Tab?
Ok, this is more than pleasant surprise :)
I thought it had to pass at least one month before somebody reply ;) You are really super fast!

To be more precise:
Regular edit uses tab for tabulation, up for moving cursor up, down for down, etc.
These are just common win settings for editing txt. Something people are used to.

If possible, just add check box for "regular txt editing".
Tab is just tab, down stops at eof - it doesn't jump to another input box...

But if you are willing to split those two, that's even better.
Check box for tab <-> ctrl+tab
Check box for regular up/down <-> cn up/down

Separating these two covers all options, but is harder to implement.

Sorry for the delay.
I think your suggestion is sound. If people vote for it, it will be implemented without many problems.
Yes, if default settings are like CN is now, people will never notice difference.

Still needs to get a few votes though.
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Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
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Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes during more than 2 years. Sorry. It can be reopened later if another user requests this feature