Under review

Manual tag ordering

Vladimir_ 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 3

Hi I would like to make "personal wiki like" base in cintanotes.

How can manually sort tags in "Tag side bar" in logical order?

Is it possible to make different view for particular "section tab".

For example "1 section - expanded notes", "2 section - only notes title".

viewing tag-sidebar organizing reordering sections
Under review

1) CN currently supports only alphabetical ordering of tags. You can mimic sorting by using specially named parent tags, e.g.: 01/tagB, 02/tagA, etc.

2) Unfortunately not at the moment, this setting is global

>1)You can mimic sorting by using specially named parent tags, e.g.: 01/tagB, 02/tagA, etc.

But it is very inconvenient especially when you have larch tag tree.

>2) Unfortunately not at the moment, this setting is global

In second section i would like to make "web-links bookmarks" storage or "to-do-list" witch only titles.

But on other sections i would like to have normal view.

Hot keys to switch view also will be ok.

I would like to have

ctrl+1 one set of settings from this window

ctrl+2 second set of settings from this window

ctrl+3 another one set of settings from this window

And this setting user can change by yourself for each ctrl+1,2,3.

3) I also noticed if you have "Untagged" notes it is not possible to set several different tags to one note via "middle mouse click". After first "middle mouse click" note disappear. I would like "to hold shift" and click several times "middle mouse click" to add several tags at once to "Untagged" note.

Can you add this features to road map?

1) I agree it's not very convenient, but this idea here will now start collecting votes to implement manual tag ordering.

2) Please take a look here: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/647-different-view-modes-minimal-compact-normal/

3) Vote here please: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/130-when-i-tag-note-with-untagged-mode-selected-note-disappears-right-away/