Indenting/outdenting a paragraph from any caret position
Michael Weiner requests:
"In bulleted list, CTRL-TAB does not work unless cursor is at home
position, or multiple lines are highlighted. I recommend making
indents and outdents work from any cursor position on the line.
Allow the user to define which keys will be used to do the
following things.
1. Indent the line
2. Outdent the line
3. Insert a tab character
As long as the defined keys are unique and differ from TAB, no problem
will occur. Mapping a single key combination onto different actions
depending on the cursor's location-- the way CintaNotes currently
works with CTRL-TAB-- is a recipe for confusion; don't be like
Microsoft here!
I recommend the following modifiable defaults.
Indent: CTRL-. (i.e., CTRL plus ".")
Outdent: CTRL-, (i.e., CTRL plus ",")
Insert tab: CTRL-TAB
Alternatively, you could swap the current uses of TAB and CTRL-TAB,
so that CTRL-TAB moves to the next field (e.g., title, text, tags)."

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