Under review

Limit length of title in clipped notes

Marek Jedliński 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 2

I use CintaNotes to store a large collection of quotes. I usually create the notes by clipping from other sources, and a quote is typically a paragraph of text. The option to use "first line" as title is great, but in this case the whole paragraph becomes the title. This is a bit excessive, and becomes inconvenient in exported data.

Suggestion: add an option to limit the length of title taken from clipped text. Ideally to be specified as a number of words (default: 10 or so) rather than characters, to avoid cutting words in half.

taking/clipping complexity:medium
Under review

Thanks for the suggestion! Would it maybe be better if CN simply used first sentence instead of first paragraph? No need for another option..