Ваші коментарі

What Midas said is correct as long as you take a couple of notes per day but if your job is searching and taking quickly notes non-stop, one day will come where you wish you could edit sort and reorganise your notes with a powerful programme as Word in order to analyse your notes and write your synthesis

I did not know Evernote before so I went to their page downloaded the programme and read everything. Fact is that I will never use it! Comparing Cintanotes to Evernote is just like comparing an eagle, a bird, to an elephant or rather to a dinosaur! wanting them to work together is giving up the flying quality of Cintanotes, my vote is NO!

I find myself in this situation many times a day. From the hundreds of pages google delivers for a word, I want to keep few and unfortunately I have to type the tag (my search) and copy and paste the link...

I believe that what Alex proposed is a VERY serious issue, I find it easier to have one window open for my notes and not two, particularly if you work with 10 programs running at the same time, the telephones ringing (notes, notes) and if one in my skype, ICQ or MSN lists pops up also, then where is the editor window of my notes....simply not ergonomic at some peak times!
