Your comments
Tag Sidebar drag to scroll the list
Tag Sidebar and accelerated scrolling
Hi Alex, i'd prefer a fix independently from the toolbar. Sure the UI change would simplify the recognition of the state, but the issue is a bug and should be fixed asap. Thomas
I like that a lot. Great idea Chris. I've just tested the combinations Ctrl+Shift+U/B/I/K. They are not used yet and can be used to support your suggestion. After all, the changes make CN behave to standards, still offering cool features.
Please be aware about the selection of the line. There is a difference when you select the entire line, e.g. using Shift+arrow-down or selecting content of one single line without CRLF, e.g. using Shift+End.
The original thread is here
I find it irritating too, most of the times. Maybe the list should be refreshed only, when a new search is started.
Yes, i know :) It was me to suggest the introduction of Shift+Enter ;) Still, what is good can always be made better. I realized that what i use most of the times is to open a single note. Because of this, plain ENTER can be more handsome, rather than using a special shortcut. I am not insisting on this feature. I posted it, so the community can discuss and vote for it, when interested.
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