When notes with the same creation time sorted by "created", sort them by title
created 10.01.2015 01:20 Title Alpha
created 10.01.2015 01:20 Title Beta
created 10.01.2015 01:20 Title Gamma
created 11.01.2015 14:35 Title Alpha
Currently there is no sorting at all.
Hanging indents
The only way I can get a paragraphs to stay together, so that the first line sticks out a little to the left, is to use bullet points.
However, just a regular hanging indent (meaning without the bullets) would be something that I'd use all the time. It works really well in Microsoft Word.
Pinned section tabs
Add ability to pin section tabs so that they don't go off-screen while the section bar is scrolled and always remain visible, so that I can quickly select them.
Configurable hotkey for inserting note text into other apps (instead of fixed Ctrl+Enter)
Adam: "I find ctrl+enter inconvenient because they keys are far away as if I'm playing a piano. While my right navigates with the mouse, I seem to have my left hand predominantly work macros, hot keys, and workflow. So far example, I would more easily use Ctrl+1 due to reach while navigating with my mouse, instead of ctrl+enter. Currently, I use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy notes from CintaNotes to my application; so it's also habit. I use CintaNotes for email support, which helps me with mini macro response management (storing commonly used responses)."
A more flat and modern app icon/logo
Now it is a world of flat icons. Maybe CN's main app icon/logo need to be updated to match the latest Windows UI design? I'm a Pro user and I want to keep my eyes on a more flat and modern CN icon which was pinned on the task-bar everyday! A lot of talented designers are on dribbble, maybe it's not difficult to find one to craft a new shiny CN icon!
Top rated ideas 353
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