Under review
Custom format for inserted timestamp
It should be possible to specify custom format for date/time that is inserted on F5.
Customer support service by UserEcho
Oh ! yes, very much so. I use Phrase Express instead, because the CN format is not to my liking. And please be generous in the selection of formats.
Phrase Express, a text expander and macro generator, does not have my preferred format, which is [1 oct 17]. So, when I need the date of the day in CN, I type "date" + Space + Enter, which inserts "1 oct. 17", then applies a macro to it to delete the dot. Ridiculous, but works.
Thanks for the comment! I think most probably it would really be custom, i.e. you'll specify a string like [%D %MMM %YY] as your format.
I say this is essential. I added a comment on the Forum page. Let me copy it here ...
[UI] [Editing] Hate how F5 works -- wish I could control it ...
Post by Hef_WannaBe » Wed Mar 27, 2019 4:46 am
Big fan of CintaNotes here, but I dislike this feature and really think it kindof needs to be revised.
Okay, I don't like how when I hit F5, it gives the date in the format that THE DEVELOPER WANTED.
I want it to look like this ... {03-27-2019 (Wed) @ 4:59am}
That is how we have to have things in our organization. So, be nice to hit F5 then it create it
with Day and Time in format that is mandated. I can't use how DEVELOPER set it up.
Why not have a screen to let us shape how the Date on F5 is formatted. Very simple, and
I think that lot of people would like it to be editable.
That rewrite / revision should be quick and easy.
Thanks for your comment! We will increase priority of this item.
Thank you. SHould be simple. I could throw it together in no time in VB6. Popup window with a
textbox to describe the formatting. Then, visual text underneath to show WHAT expands to WHAT.
Then, a textbox at bottom that is unedited which shows the expansion of what you typed in top box.
Then, a button to test it. That simple.
Then, people could grab texts from emails (like I do), and click F5 to stamp when you got it.
Then, start writing what you are doing, then timestamp F5 to show when things started, etc.
We timestamp alot to communicate that things are getting done & when received & when we
started it, etc.
So, like someone else said, pain-in-butt to have to write AutoText in another app (like Hotkeys or
some app they named) for Phrase Expansion, which should be contained here.
Thanks for listening.
I've got to do other things now. But here are some ideas where you have many options on the
expansions. I hate Excel where you can't really customize it. LIke someone else said, I have
a special VB code to build date correctly. Wish they just let me string together:
{ HH-MM-DD (ddd) @ HH:MM ampm}
And it exapnds into what I need. But Microsoft didn't realize its importance, neither, I think.
Some random internet screenshots to illustrate.
See expansion here ... Ordinal-Number-by-Co....png
MORE LIKE THIS -- free-flowing ... microsof....jpg