Make all the text in the search field selected when pressing "Ctrl+F".
When I want to search for another word I have to backspace the previous word by one character. It is slow. If it is selected, I could just click delete.
See how it works in Firefox. Press "Ctrl+F" in FF several times. You will see what I mean.
See how it works in Firefox. Press "Ctrl+F" in FF several times. You will see what I mean.
Customer support service by UserEcho
1. Start the program. Input "text". The program gives you the note with the word "text" in it. Double-click on the note. Edit it if you want. So far, no problem. Minimize the program.
2. After 10 minutes you want to find another note with the word "123". What you do? With the shortcut you launch the program, press Ctrl-F to the get the cursor in the search field.
And here comes the problem. If you press "123", you end up with "text123". So first you need to delete the previous search line "text". How can you do it?
- press "backspace" 4 times
- press Esc and then press "Ctrl-F" again
3. The solution is to select the text in search field when pressing "Ctrl-F". This way you can just press "123" right away, the previous text will be automatically deleted. If you need it (for example, you want "texts" this time), just press arrow button "Right", the selection will be removed.
In general I see your point. But on the other hand, current behavior allows me to correct the search term without typing it all over again.
Let's see how the vote goes. If it is popular with the users I'll do it, this is actually quite easy.
And the purpose is to instantly clean the query when you're entering a new one.
But if the search box has no focus (you're browsing notes with up/down arrows) and you start typing, it resets the query so you're typing a new one from scratch.
So I only see this feature serving as "select all" command (like Shift+Home or Ctrl+A) when the search box is focused.
But I don't mind the idea, my Opera has the same (as FF) behavior :)