No word-wrapping in all lines without formatting that are located above a line with monospaced formatting
Problem: in the notes list, with "show text formatting" option active, all [long] lines without formatting, located above lines with monospaced formatting, are not properly wrapped.
The screenshot shows the four notes similar in composition, but with different formatting.
Each note consists of two lines plus one empty line.
4. Affected both strings: italic, bold, backlight.
3. Both lines without formatting.
2. in the first line is the word selected in bold. The second line is monospaced.
1. the first line without formatting. The second line is monospaced.
- The problem remains even when onle one character is formatted monospaced.
- Line (without formatting, above monospaced) is wrapped, if it has any formatting (except monospace) of at least one character (No. 2 in the screenshot).
- The problem does not appear when the rest of the selection: bold, italic, underline, highlighting, etc., provided that the post no monospace format.
- All rows are collapsed, when a tick "show text formatting is removed.
- Size, name of main and monospace fonts- doesn't matter.
- Long strings that go after the line with pitch formatting appear normal in collapsed form. Provided that there are no other rows below with a pitch.
Customer support service by UserEcho
I confirm the problem, thanks!
Also check this out, please.
We will, thanks!
When this will be available please? Need it on http://multilang.space/ for customers and still waiting for that... thanks