Dine kommentarer

Probably this is a bug, I'll investigate it further. Thanks!
Adding words as tags on double click would surely confuse users. I think the best way would be just to add a context menu item "Add as tag".Drag-and-drop is a good idea as well, albeit a bit more difficult implementation-wise.
Thanks for the report! Please tell me the following:
1) Fonts selected in CN/View/Note appearance
2) System dialog font
3) System DPI settings (Normal/Large fonts)
Thanks for the suggestion! Actually Ctrl+Tab does just that. Or would you like to have the option to swap the behavior of Tab and Ctrl+Tab?
See comments.
Great, thanks!
Thanks, 4Cn!
About the colors, you might want to vote here:

As for the "other editors" option, could you please also add it as a separate suggestion? Thanks!

Kundesupport af UserEcho