Dine kommentarer

Thanks for the suggestion, Chris!

If you place linked file on the same level as cintanotes.exe or below it (in a subfolder), CintaNotes will use relative path to it.

To all voters: please take a look at the last CN version! The newly added autotagging rules feature can be used to implement auto-added tags!

You're welcome, Neil! Probably we need to work a bit more on making the pricing scheme more understandable. Thanks for drawing our attention to it.

Hello Emil, thanks for your suggestion!

Actually this is already filed as a bug here: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/732-searching-for-accented-characters-produces-wrong-results/

Please confirm that this is the same issue

Thanks for the comment Carsten!

Hi Neil,

Thanks for your great message and for the insights. However you're missing a few facts about our pricing that make it actually more attractive than Evernote's:

1) Evernote uses subscription model and will charge you every year unless you return to the free plan. CintaNotes will only charge you if you want to get updates. If you're using older version, you're free to continue using PRO features for free.

2) Renewing CintaNotes license costs only $19.50 per year, which is right about the $20 mark you were talking about.

Would appreciate if you'd update your message in the light of the facts above. Thanks!

Kundesupport af UserEcho