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Remember that we are talking about lines of text within a single note. As items are marked as done, you can just move them to the bottom for example.

IMO this is much better handled by a number of hierarchical tags: Type/Regular, Type/NextAction, Status/New, Status/WaitingFor, Status/OnHold, Status/Done, Prio/Today, Prio/ThisWeek, Prio/Someday, etc.

Unfortunately not yet, just look how many requests there are above this.. sorry!

Wow, this is a really cool idea. Will make this much easier to implement. Thanks, alainsr!

Mélanie, thanks a lot for supporting us. I certainly hope that this feature is implemented before your updates period runs out. However we are a small software company and our resources are limited - we can do only that much. 

Let's do the following: if this feature is still not there in a year, I'll give you a free license renewal :)