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Yes, that's exactly what it means. A nice side effect of this is that if you use some tag prefix symbols like "!todo" or "#project" (as tag categorization of sorts), you won't have to enter these symbols any more. Press "t" and "!todo" will be one of the first suggestions ;)
I'm afraid this will diminish the usefulness of tag autocomplete because the number of matches will be too high. For example, I have a lot of tags, and if it would match within words then when I enter "m" I'll get all tags with letter m, which can be quite a lot. I will have to enter much more letters by hand in order for the autocomplete list to become filtered enough.

You can solve your problem in the following way: since tags are absolutely arbitrary, write your tags with a hypen, like this: kuechen-uhr. As far as I know, German grammar allows this in many cases. And even if not, tags are just what they are - tags)
Hi Burrum, thanks for the suggestion! As I understand it "Options/Always on top" already does what you describe, or am I missing some point?