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Released in 1.4.3

(The "Notebook Parameters" dialog)

Thank you for taking the time to report, I really appreciate it!

I understand, I'll see what I can do to make the program handle such kind of errors more gracefully, but probably it won't help you much since you won't be able to work with the notebook anyway. Unfortunately I can't make this of high priority since even after three weeks the issue has zero votes.

Hi and sorry for the late reply. Well as you know Wine is not officially supported, although I find it unfortunate that CN doesn't run with it anymore. Could you tell me the details about the problem, what is not working?
Installing Ubuntu and debugging this issue would be a kind of task that I'm afraid exceeds my humble abilities at the moment. But we can get lucky if the error messages are telling and the problem is easy to spot and fix. Thanks in advance.

CintaNotes does not officially support running from network drive. I recommend you install CintaNotes locally on each PC and synchronize the DB using one of the numerous file/folder synchronization services or applications such as GoodSync. This doesn't guarantee the integrity of the DB, but at least there will be no more crashes.
Do I understand correctly that only the cintanotes.db file is located on the network drive? Thanks