Ваші коментарі

Yes, you can use WebDAV without connecting it as a network drive.

Yes, but not in the UI. You need to exit CN, find cintanotes.settings file (usually resides in %appdata%/CintaNotes),find the line that starts with "filters.autoreset.keepeditednotevisible" and edit t.

Guys thanks for your comments. The "local-sync" solution definitely looks like a good niche to take. We'll be thinking in this direction, that's for sure.

1) I agree it's not very convenient, but this idea here will now start collecting votes to implement manual tag ordering.

2) Please take a look here: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/647-different-view-modes-minimal-compact-normal/

3) Vote here please: http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topics/130-when-i-tag-note-with-untagged-mode-selected-note-disappears-right-away/

Thanks for the idea, Joe! Actually it is more an idea of another product, "CintaNotes for Teams" so to say..

Hi Vladimir, thanks for your comment! Well I think that releasing an Android app is still not out of the question.

As for exporting to a popular android app, the question remaining what app it should be and why.