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I don't know how much of a community there is regularly reading this or voting, but I've added my vote to this. I think expecting 10 votes presupposes a much more active group.

For my own usage pattern, I find that for existing notes, I'm usually just searching and viewing them, not editing or adding info.  I would like to pop up the note in window without the risk of inadvertently modifying it with a stray keystroke.

My proposal:  The popup window would have a toggle button for View/Edit modes.  An preference option could be set to initially open all windows in either Edit or View modes.  By default, this could be Edit, leaving the current functionality intact.  New notes, of course, would always open in Edit mode.

I just ran into this restriction again after fighting with Firefox bookmarks and wishing for a simple bookmarker in CN.  With nothing selected, I get just the title.  I can select the URL and get it copied into the body of the note, but still not into the Link field.  I know the complexity of this feature is listed as medium (I'd call it a bugfix) - still, eight years to ponder its complexity should be enough :-).

I also have notes where I just want the body and not bother with the title.  I suggest the Display Title setting be:

1) always

2) only if not blank

3) never

In that way, you can also display the title if it exists and leave it off otherwise.

There should be an option to turn it of if you don't need the overhead of keeping past revisions.  For me, the last modified date is enough, although I can see where the revision history could be useful for others.

Even parsing plain <a href=> tags would be a big help. 

Out of curiosity, I just looked at the source of a typical wikipedia page and found all the links had relative URLs like:

      <a href="/wiki/Prime_Minister_of_Canada" title="Prime Minister of Canada">

Presumably, JavaScript code somewhere prepends the appropriate xx.wikipedia.org, where 'xx' is a language identifier.  I can see where this would be a much more difficult task. 

It's what we sometimes called a SMOP (Small Matter of Programming) :-)