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Thanks for putting this under review... does this mean you are considering the feature?
First the userinterface:

Within the note editor of a full note, you would have a button in the toolbar, which could either be pinned or unpinned (down or up).

When it is down, the note editor contents are pushed to the right (or maybe the entire window expands)... such to allow room for a left column (almost like some apps have line numbers in a left margin).... this are will include the tags for any paragraphs or groups of paragraphs. Then maybe vertical line inbetween the tags and the contents, showing which paragraphs are tagged with these tags.

Now, the search would be the same as now. It would show all full notes and partial notes. Maybe you could have a toggle button to show only one. And maybe a way of seeing if it's partial or full....

Oh, and another thing.. if it IS partial, there should be a link to the full note.

I'm attaching an image showing how the UI would look.

Thanks for the up votes! This feature would add a whole new ability to organize notes. It may be hard to implement but it would put cintanotes WAY ahead of anything else out there.

Imagine slicing and dicing notes in any way you want. Maybe a section of your notes has to do with some other topic, just tag that paragraph... then search for that tag in cinta and you'll find all of the note sections related it to.

I hope everyone sees the value in this.