Ihre Kommentare

I use the portable version on USB Flash drive.
I run the CintaNote only when I need to make a note. And I immediately close the program.
It usually takes less than 5 minutes.
In cintanotes.settings file "backup.checkperiod.minutes = 5"
If you use the program every day less than 5 minutes, then the backup is not created.
Please add a check for creating a backup when you start the program or when the program exits.
Version 2.9
Does not create a backup (daily and weekly) too.
Yes I need this functionality too.
And add the attribute "encoding" in the "xml" tag.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
After update Windows Defender to 1.197.2683.0 (16.05.2015)
Trojan not detected.

Translation into English:
In Note Prorerties, edit time in the fields "Created" or "Modified"
After you enter hours, the edit box automatically switches to minutes.
After you enter minutes, the edit box does not automatically switches to seconds. (ERROR)
Если добавить этот файл в исключения антивируса,
то при запуске программы, Windows Defender начинает грузить процессор на 70% (4 ядра 1.8Ghz)
и блокирует запуск на 5-20 секунд. Потом программа запускается.
Это появилось в версии
В версии такого не было.