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Hi Paul, activating the link in the notes text might require to hold the ctrl-key while clicking on it. Also check your settings options/editor/links.
Hi Paul, i use CintaNotes to store all my link favorites. One note may contain several urls related to one issue. The note's text will hold all urls. I don't need the explicit link field in these cases. Shift+F7 will open all links in one single step! It works like a charm using Chrome, though Firefox has problems when there are many links.
>CN remembers the positions of the last windows BUT NOT note specific (or am I wrong here?). So if I open Note1 and Note2 bring them into position - close them - and open Note2 first and then Note1 -> the postions are swapped.
Introducing pin-state will allow finer control of window positions, thus grouping of notes will be possible as an example. However, it does not solve the above problem, which is rather common. Of course, i could pin any window when opening it. But after all i'd like CN to be smart enough to aid in such a simple case. Maybe pinning as a default could solve the request (add an ini-setting)?
The system menu is no problem in general. However there should be a visible indicator to represent the pin-state. Also i suggest to include a shortcut.
2) A special 'pin option' (an icon on every window) so one can manually choose to remember this window position
Chris, this is a very interesting suggestion, as it allows to control the behaviour. 

Alex, how about the following suggestion:
  • keep the existing feature of window handling untouched
  • introduce a second cache for pinned editors, which will hold up to 20 items
  • the second cache will hold window position+size of a pinned editor window and the note's uid
  • since the cache holds uids it is global in regards to different databases used
  • when the cache is full the oldest item will be reused (ring buffer)
  • add a pin icon to the editor to switch pin-state of the editor
  • when a note gets opened, check whether there is an entry in the pin-cache. If there is an entry use it. If there is no entry proceed with the classic behaviour. 
>CN remembers the positions of the last windows BUT NOT note specific (or am I wrong here?). So if I open Note1 and Note2 bring them into position - close them - and open Note2 first and then Note1 -> the postions are swapped.
That is exactly the problem i am talking about.
> if uid is the value - where are the coordinates?
The coordinates are stored in placement1 = [], just as they have always been.
So basically you want CN to remember position of any note that has once been opened,
This makes sense only when the position would be stored along the note itself, which in turn violates read-only databases. Alex, i realize this is not really easy to answer. Basically i am asking the computer to understand my desires before i do ;) The current system is fine for simple workflows. For example when you open one or two editor windows only at the same time. Often i work on a group of notes though. In that case i want CN to remember the arrangement of the editors, that is position, size and correlating note (uid). Grouping notes is one aspect only. Duration is another. After a couple of hours/days (when the work on the group is completed) the arrangement information can be released to avoid massive data collection. 
I mean something different. First as the default i consider a fixed position. For example top-left-corner (top: 100/, left: 100). If the position is already in use, increment. For example top: 120, left: 120. Second i was thinking of placement1.uid=someuid, placement2.uid=someotheruid. If the note's uid is not in the list of placement1.uid...placement20.uid use the default.
Thanks for the clarification. "Now if you open the note with uid[1] as the first editor, it will be shown at (0, 0, 100, 100), but if another note is already open, it will be shown at (50, 50, 150, 150).". That is exactly the reason why i came up with my request in first place. This is not what i want. It makes the note jump around on my screen, depending on the order i (re-)open them. What i am asking for is a predictable way of opening notes. Either it's in the placements list so it can be opened on its last unique position or it will be opened as a new editor window with a default position.
>So you suggest to keep placement1, placement2, etc, but also add the uid to it, so that we have placement1.uid1, placement1.uid2, placement2.uid1 ?
No. One placement will hold one uid only at any time.

>Please keep in mind that placement2 = "second editor window". So that the one and same note can be opened at different positions depending on if there's already another editor window open. 
How is that? I've never been able to open the one and same note in more than one editor window.