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Imo your request for "mixed tag-text search" should be implemented regardless of this request here. You already quoted it best when saying "at the moment it is a crucial decision whether to put a 'keyword' only in the tags or use it in the title/text of a note."
In case one or more editors are open, the feature should activate and focus the note editor, that was last used. If no editor windows are open at all, it should bring back and open the note editor with the last edited note. This is regardless whether the CN search window is open or not.
Hi Chris,

these are actually two issues. My experience is, that a feature request should make clear, what the supposed change actually is. Describing reasons for it or discussing options can make people confusing about what the post is actually about. I suggest to first describe what the changes are. The reasons for it and a discussion on it can be started with a separate comment. The forum has also proven to be a good starting point on developing a suggestion and transform it to request on the roadmap thereafter. Maybe not all people will read the forum or take part in it. But leaving the discussion there should give less controversial results here. The second point is that the roadmap allows for anonymous votes. I think this should be changed. For voting a login should be requested.

As for your request i posted a separate request http://roadmap.cintanotes.com/topic/106741-shortcut-to-reset-all-filters/ which arised from a discussion on another post of yours.

To delete a note in the notes list, the shortcut could be changed to Ctrl+Del. This would also unify to deleting a note inside the note editor. The 'del' key could then be used to clear all search filters.
In case Alt+Enter is not used yet, i suggest this as the shortcut to open the edit window and close the main window. Imo that key is easy to use.
This is not a question of liking the one or the other more. This request is a natural enhancement and should come really handy. Your first request has Its own qualification and is partly implemented in v1.6.