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The beauty of this feature is, that you will get CMS functionality. Though in a very simply form, it is a truly simple way of bringing content to the web :) and publish wiki-data for example.
13 lat temu
Hi Chris, basically the field will be renamed only. Link recognition won't be changed. If it functions now, it should do the same in the future. My suggestion with Ctrl+Click and Double-Click is to extend the functionality to have the same behaviour as inside the note editor.
Link recognition should be supported the same way as with the notes text. That is Ctrl+Click and Double-Click to open the link. This should be added in addition to the F7-key.
A solution could be to register each database (in the registry) using a GUID (global unique identifier) and allowing to modify that entry when moving the database. Inside the note, only the GUID together with the note's ID must be referenced to link another note.
At the latest when file attachements will be implemented the feature won't be an option, but a mandatory addition.
Though the idea of an absolute link is an interesting approach, the usage itself can be tedious. Imagine you're moving your database to a different location on a different machine. The links get broken and your valuable information is lost.
Thanks Alex for giving me a hint on this. I did not see that tiny "duplicate" link. :)
What good for is sorting for size, when the sort item itself can not be seen? Also with the present implementation no value is shown at all. Displaying the size of the note comes at no cost. Adding the value in the search list completes the feature itself.
Sorry Chris, i don't understand "an option to have the same behaviour if a search filter is active". Could you please specify more precisely?! Thanks.
Chris, i agree. Though it looks elegant, it is not efficient when working with many tags. Maybe this shouldn't be an option, but a general change.
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