Your comments

No problem ... I am not in a hurry :-).

I do not want to turn Cintanotes in a full fledged mind mapping tool but only borrow some good parts of them :-).

Most mindmaps are restricted in how wide/large they can become (before getting to cumbersome to use) and personally I do not care for the graphical presentation that most mindmaps use. I am interested in the relations between my notes.

I find most personal organisers or mindmaps working OK for a relative limited number of notes, thoughts, entries whatever the trerm is they use. As I plan to use the software to build a knowledgebase about me and related subjects so a mindmap is not the right tool for me as the number would become to large.

In the past I only found two pieces of software that did this in a nice way Evernote 2.2 (later versions I find worse) and TheBrain (brilliant software but huge in resources and I experienced several database corruptions with normal use). And now Cintanotes. I am in the proces of moving my Evernote / TheBrain notes to Cintanotes as I like it very much but while using it I find that I rely on the visual relations that are visible in TheBrain quite a lot and I wonder if we can have that in Cintanotes too. I have about 2600 notes in TheBrain and about 1200 in Evernote so the number can grow quite large over the years.

Why Cintanotes ... ? A like how quick it is to open and add notes to it. I like the editor, tags and the overall esthetics. And of course the low resources it uses. I plan on using it a long time. I also value how it is developed. In a slow pace with carefull consideration about what gets added and why.

I also saw a roadmap wish about "Tag relations explorer" which is kind of what I would like to see but then for tags.

About the origin of my question:
TheBrain has a free version of there software with some features disabled but the strong relationships visibility is there in the free version. I would suggest you try it for a few hours or days/week to discover how much value is added by the direct visibility of the relations between thoughts. ( I am not affiliated with thebrain btw :-)).

Thanks for listening to me ...

Kind regards,
Hallo Alex,

Thanks for your reaction.
For me it is about insight in the relationships between notes in your database. With tags I have to explicitly know what I want to find and then I have to search for it, or ctrl-click the correct tags. With the solution as I propose you get insight in the relationships between notes without explicitly looking for it or knowing the relationship is there.

The relationship can be anything like the projectmembers I mentioned in my example but also somebody you met on a certain event where you made a note about and added the person to as a relationship. Looking at the person you are instantly reminded where you know them from and looking to the event note you see all the persons you meet there.

This is idea is inspired by my use of TheBrain software. In that software you can link every thought with every other thougt (a thought is like a note in cintanotes). It makes unexpected or long forgotten relationships between notes in your database visible.

I hope this explanation gives you more insight in why I would like this kind of view.

Kind regards,
Jeroen Roeterd
I would even like to go further. Currently we can link in the text of a note to another note. And with this idea implemented we can see which notes link to the current note. 

That is nice but the limitation is that you can only make a link (I like the word relationship better btw) to another note by using text. When I have a note about a certain project I would like to make a link to certain projectmembers without adding their names to the text of the initial project note. And I already have notes for each projectmember with contact information about them. 

I would like a view in which you can add link (relationships) to other notes (on notename only). I can then add 5 projectmembers to that projectnote without using their names in the text. That is important as the projectnote is about the project and not about the members. But when I look at the projectnote I do see directly who is related to this projectnote. 

When the related notes can be grouped on the fly that would even be better. I can link the 5 projectmember to the projectnote with a relationshipgroup "projectmembers" and for instance 3 clientnotes with a relationshipgroup "Projects clients". This would be a nice to have though ... :-).

As most screens are fairly wide these days (typing this on a 14 inch full-hd laptop screen) I would like to see al related/linked notes in a seperate view on the right site of the note when you open it. when you can hide / collapse it that would be nice.  

Hope to here from you ...

Kind regards,
Jeroen Roeterd

Just another 'me too' note.

I have used Cintanotes only for several months in my work environment but I discover I need this feature more and more. Could be anything for a quick reminder to call someone back to mile-stone dates for a long running project.

I my opinion three things most be done.

1. Add the possibility to add a 'reminder' date. I suppose this field can be added to the properties window.

2. Make Cintanotes aware of the 'reminder' dates and generate the reminder when the date-time is reached. This reminder can be the note itself or a small window with a link to the note, an option to pospone the reminder for a certain amount of time and an option to remove the 'reminder' date.

3. Have an automatically populated tag with all notes with a 'reminder' date-time in the future. This tag should be sorted ascending to see the upcoming notes first. 


If you are already working on this and decide to enable making links to other notes in the editor consider an auto-complete function. For example TiddlyWiki does not have that and when working with more than a few notes it is difficult to link.


Also make the linking case insensitive. Nothing worse then linking to [Today] in the middle of a sentence... :-). [Today] and [today] should be the same note.

As of today I have the same wish. I have a note with a lot of links internal of my company's network and I acces it a lot. But I do not change it as much. A option to 'pin' such notes would be very much appreciated. IMHO is the use for tags to realize this very unlogical. For a new user you would have to explain the functionality while a little pin or star on the subject line would be self-explanatory and I think a very minor complication of the UI (if executed with style :-) ).


If the complication of the UI is to much, might you consider to add an option to pin in the right-click menu for this. It is not like you change this all the time.

I would like to see this also but then more advanced like Evernote 2.2 had (not in the 3+ series). CN has already a very good search function. I want to set "search & tag rules" that are executed when a note is added. This can be very quick as only one note has to be evaluated.

Something like : 

WHEN "search text" is found in TITLE then tag with "tagA"

WHEN "search text" is found in NOTETEXT then tag with "tagB"

WHEN "search text" is found in LINK then tag with "tagA" and "tagC"

WHEN "http://" is found in LINK then tag with "Weblinks" 

WHEN "mailto:" is found in LINK then tag with "Mailaddress" 

WHEN "creation date" is between "2012-01-01" and ""2012-12-31" then tag with "2012"

WHEN "creation date" is between "2012-05-01" and ""2012-05-31" then tag with "2012" and "May"


the options are many ... :-)


I like the mockup's.

Personally I would like to see all the fields in one tab (the link fiels can be like 4 rows and a scrollbar when needed). 

It does give a lot of room for later additions so taking that in mind this might be a good way to solve it. 

Combining different functions in one field will be fine. I still would like a way to add multiple links to one note. A seperator might also do the trick. For example a ";" or a "|".

For example : " | | file://d/mydocuments" in the link field would open both URL's in different tabs in the browser and open the explorer in the  d:/mydocuments folder.

Even better would be when CN recognized the "|" in the link (or remarks:-) ) field and offers a dialog with all parts (seperated by the "|") of the link field on a seperate row and gives you the choice to open one (or some).

You still get one field in the GUI but advanced linking (mayby also to other notes) might be possible.