CintaNotes is a Windows application for fast and convenient note taking. It can clip text from any application on a hot key, has a powerful tagging system and effective full-text search capability.
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Numbered notes

mohanarun 9 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 9 år siden 3
Image 74Image 73

Image 75

Image 76

Both Dr.XYZ and Kyra Dune can also keep track of personal pursuits, including baseball, basketball, kids-related etc. If Kyra adds those as Sections. Because these are personal notebooks.

Then Kyra can track:

"My books" Section "Flight of Dragons" Note #31

"Book Trailer $100" Section "Client Karl" Note #47

"Kids-related" Section "My son Bob" Note #1

"Kids-related" Section "My daughter Jesse" Note #2

"Hobbies" Section "Watching Basketball" Note #1

by using GOTO in "File" menu (see design above)

"My son Bob" is Note#1 has many texts in it including attachments, if any. in the same note #1 in Section "Kids-related"

Date born:



School working hours and phone number:

School address:

Smartphone number and email address:

"My dr. Jesse" is Note#2 has many texts in it (same as above) including attachments, if any. in the same note #2 in Section "Kids-related"

Sample entry in "Watching Basketball" note in "Hobbies" section

Some facts about basketball stats.

Favorite players and teams keeping track of.

Addresses of websites to remember about basketball.

Including attachments! She could store photos

Sample entry in "Music listening" note in "Hobbies" section Note #1

Artists subscribed to in Spotify / other online music services.

Username / password of Spotify.

Attachments of autographs scanned as .JPEG attachments

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Ability to hide certain notes from view by default

Thomas Lohrum 9 år siden opdateret af 任三郎古畑 9 år siden 4
Add a feature to exclude notes from the default view.
notes-list searching organizing
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Option to automatically strip formatting upon clipping and pasting

Alex Jenter 9 år siden opdateret af Shawn 6 år siden 2
CintaNotes used to have an option to disable text formatting, but not any more. When you're keeping code samples and commands that sometimes integrate HTML, extra formatting only stands in the way.
Please introduce an option to automatically strip any text formatting upon clipping and pasting.

editing clipboard configuring text-formatting
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Allow manual selection of browser to open links

Alex Jenter 9 år siden opdateret 9 år siden 1
Sometimes I need to open link with the non-default browser.
Would be great if CN would allow to pick a browser to use when the link is right-clicked (or Alt+clicked, etc).
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Separate 'initial focus' setting for clipped notes

Alex Jenter 10 år siden opdateret 9 år siden 1
Now despite initial focus settings is set to "body", on clipping the Tags field is focused. While it may be convenient for some users for quick tagging of just clipped notes, other users would definitely prefer the focus to go to the same field as when creating notes with the Insert key.
This problem can be solved by introducing a separate setting for clipping, which could be set to "Tags" by default.
editing taking/clipping other-ui complexity:easy
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Format text - Superscript (for remarks, footnotes, and annotations)

pethaski 10 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 10 år siden 4
It would be useful to have Supercript as a Format option. I sometimes comment my notes and add remarks below in the "Remarks" section. But when I have multiple remarks, being able to supercript 1, 2, 3 etc would make it much more readable.
editing text-formatting links
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Sorting in the exported file.

Viktor 10 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 10 år siden 1
When exporting the file tags not sorted
So you can not compare the XML file with the previous version in WinMerge.
Please add sorting tags in the exported XML file.
- Sort tags by "name"
- Sort sections by "id"
- Sort notes by "uid"

sorting export

Latest bugs 24


Inconsistent font in notes with mixed charsets

Alex Jenter 14 år siden opdateret af Arseniy (CN Support Team) 12 år siden 8

Wrong error message encoding when CN can't find the .db file

Alex Jenter 14 år siden opdateret 14 år siden 0

Clicking on CN icon in tray doens't work when silent clipping baloon tip is displayed

Alex Jenter 14 år siden opdateret af Arseniy (CN Support Team) 12 år siden 0

Top rated ideas 353

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Improve daily backup

Alex Jenter 9 år siden opdateret 9 år siden 1
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CintaNotes application for Mac

Alex Jenter 15 år siden opdateret 15 år siden 0
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Global shortcut to bring back last edited note

Alex Jenter 13 år siden opdateret af Hef_WannaBe 6 år siden 5
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Show thumbnails for attached images

ChrisCN 9 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 6 år siden 3

Sorting by the Remarks field

Alex Jenter 10 år siden opdateret 7 år siden 4
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An option to disable rich text

john2020 5 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 5 år siden 1
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Dark theme

Boris Monti 6 år siden opdateret af Alex Jenter 6 år siden 1

Currently in progress 0

Ingen emner

Kundesupport af UserEcho