Drag-and-drop text (and text files) into (and out of) CN
CintaNotes application for Linux/Unix
CintaNotes application for Android
Undo function
Collaboration: support for multiple users working with same shared notes database
I would like to be able to syncronize a database with an offine copy
Suppose you have several PCs connected to a lan, every user having access to a common notes database. Now a user copies this database to his notebook and leaves.
While he is away, he makes some new notes and edits some existing notes, the person working on the LAN do the same.
When he returns, it should be possilbe to sync the two versions of the database:
New notes should be copied to the other database
Notes that have been edited on one database should be updated on the other database
Notes that have been deleted in one database should be deleted in the other database, except if they have been updated there - in that case the updated note should be copied to the database where the original note has been deleted
notes that have been edited on both databases should be, according to sync configuration:
merged in both databases or copied in both versions to both databases, and tagged with a special tag (like "duplicate" or "merged"), so the user can mnually resolve the sync conflict
either the LAN database or the local database takes precedence and the other copy is overwritten and maybe copied to a sync conflict logfile, which could even have the same format as a notes database.
DPI awareness
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