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Can you please write your request in english, so that everybody can read it?! You might want to use "Google Translate" for a start. Thank you.


Note: The feature is currently available in the 2.0.4 beta 1 only.

The more i use CintaNotes to write my journal, the more i'd like to see support for spell checking :)

For example, when you use CN as a Todo-Manager you can create a section "Tasks". In that section you create tags like office, private, project1. Now i want to check my tasks for the next couple of days. Therefore i want to check the groups one by one, which is more concise than reading them all at once.

As Microsoft SQLServer is widely used in companies and is free for use in its Express Edition i suggest to use it as the database backend.

Quote: 1) You were too specific mentioning SQL Server.

I am aware of this, still i think it is the best choice. I edited my post though and changed SQLServer as a suggestion into a comment on its own.

Quote: 2) This idea just isn't popular in the current CN user base :(

My suggestion is different, in that i am not asking for replication support, but a local database, that can be shared amongst a team. I have also noticed that there are 10 votes up versus 21 votes down. So there are people out there interested in such a feature. Another problem with the suggestion is the fact, that it is especially interesting to people not using CN, because of the limitation to one user. In contrary it is most likely that only CN users will have a look to the roadmap here.

Quote: 3) Some kind of collaborative work is already possible via placing a CN db onto a network share

As far as i know there are possible issues with data-corruption since SQLite is not meant to used in such an environment.

Remarks allow a distinction between search and tag-categorization. You can add a search-word to the remarks, e.g. "CintaNotes" to allow to search for that word. However, i might not want to add "CintaNotes" as a tag to that specific note. Why? Because, the advantage of tags is, that it is especially useful to group notes, that belong together.

Hi Martin,

thank you for your vote, even though it was a negative. Can you please elaborate, why you voted against the feature? I am interested in your opinion.

Thank you.
