CintaNotes is a Windows application for fast and convenient note taking. It can clip text from any application on a hot key, has a powerful tagging system and effective full-text search capability.

Ctrl+A not working in note edit dialog on WinXP SP3

Alex Jenter 14 years ago updated 14 years ago 0
Ctrl+A does not work in the Title, Tags and Link fields of the note edit dialog on
Windows XP SP3. (CN 1.3)
Alex Jenter 14 years ago
Released in 1.4

Hide "Untagged" on the Sidebar when there are no untagged notes

Alex Jenter 12 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2
We don't need to see Untagged in this case

tag-sidebar complexity:easy tags
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Option to open notes on single click

Alex Jenter 14 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 3
Having list of note titles and being able to click them once, taking you to the note, would be perfect.
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

"Restore last tag tree state" option

Andrey Froloff 13 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 5
Cinta don't remember which tag tree branches were expanded and which were collapsed before last closing. It is very annoying...
viewing tag-sidebar startup complexity:trivial
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Alphabetic navigation bar for tag sidebar

Alex Jenter 11 years ago updated 8 years ago 5
When there're many tags, the tags list becomes really long and inconvenient to scroll. It would be great to be able to just click into a letter and have the list scrolled to this letter.

Here's an example (only here it's horizontal, whereas in CintaNotes it would probably be vertical):
Under review

Use mouse X (extra) buttons for history havigation

Alex Jenter 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 1

Would be convenient to be able to use X buttons like in browser.


Don't discard search history after going back and modifying

Alex Jenter 10 years ago updated 8 years ago 2
Currently "forward" search history is discarded when you go back and change something there.
Instead, keep it in a separate list available in the right-click menu.
viewing searching

System-wide shortcut to paste current clipboard contents as a note

Alex Jenter 12 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2

 Currently if you want to copy the contents of the system clipboard into a CN note you have to give CN the focus and then paste.

This is tedious if you have a lot of clipping to do.

For instance, if you are copying link addresses on a web page you can't select the links and copy them. Instead you have to right-click and copy them to the clipboard. Then you would have to move over to CN and paste there. Then move back to the web page and continue.

A single hot-key that would transfer the contents of the system's clipboard to a CN note would expedite the process.

Thanks for listening --


taking/clipping complexity:medium
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Page position in note preview when scrolling through a note page by page

chease 13 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2
As I can jump to next/previous page in note preview by using the keyboard shortcut ctrl+arrows, I often get lost and don't know where a page of preview is located in a note. Could you show the current page number and the total page number for the focused note?
viewing notes-list
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
Under review

Attaching files as shortcuts

Alex Jenter 9 years ago updated by Tomasz Raburski 8 years ago 2

The new file attachement feature is great and would be ideal for my needs as I would like to attach lots of pdf files to a note like a small database.

The problem is the file size and as that don’t plan to use Cintanotes portable or need to have the attachments transferred.

So here is my feature request: Could you advance file attachments so it would also possible to only link to the file attached – with all the additional advancements like open with when right click?

I know I can hyperlink a file but please try to add 25 pdf files in a note – one at a time and the note is full of links instead of the the text. And the 25 pdfs have a size of 100 MB so attaching so a few notes what like this would make CN really big.

I also would like to have attached links to files also on the extra space/part like now the attachments. To have the attachment extra is a great addition and very useful!

(Request by Lutz Gera)

files file-attachments
Under review

External links to tags

Alex Jenter 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Now external links can only link to notes.

Would be great to also be able to create links to certain tags or even arbitrary tag and text queries.


Make icons in the search text field and the sort by field, adopt the color chosen by color theme

mohanarun 12 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 2
When I modify the color theme of Cintanotes, I would prefer that the icons in the search text field and the sort by field also adopt the color chosen per the color theme. It seems that the color of these icons are fixed to blue. I would prefer that they appear in the color chosen per the color theme.

other-ui cosmetic complexity:easy
Under review

Add the option to synchronize on application close

Olaf Hess 10 years ago updated by Michael Weiner 8 years ago 5
The app should synchronize changes on exit

Using tags to help with resolving conflicts

Erik Bangsund 13 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 5
When I go to import a conflicted copy of the notebook file all I can see is how many notes were skipped because they were duplicates and how many were imported.
The suggestion is to automatically tag the newly imported notes, perhaps with Import-New. Then, if any notes have the same title but different contents, the original should be tagged Import-Original and the version from the conflicted notebook should be tagged Import-Conflict.
This way the user could filter for the new Notes to make sure they still need them. They could filter for the original and conflict copies and compare them.
All of this could be an optional setting that the user chooses, perhaps as a "resolve conflict" menu item.
import merging syncing
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Splitting up the 'initial focus' setting into separate ones for new notes and existing notes

Ron van de Crommert 12 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2

I have a small suggestion to tweak the initial focus setting. Could that be split up into separate settings for new and existing notes? I (and I can imagine many users, too) would prefer the initial focus for new notes to be in the title field, but for existing notes in the text field. It would be great if we could make that distinction in the settings.

editing configuring complexity:easy
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

report view: window to show table like note summary -> get an overview of your notes now!

ChrisCN 12 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2
I am still searching for a way to get an overview of all the notes and this is my suggestion:
(note: in my example I will use 'tasks' but the concept can be applied to any kind of note)

Let's assume you have hierarchical tags representing tasks - the status of a task - the person the task is assigned to and a project context.



Now you want do get an overview of all those tasks:
 - which status do they have?
 - which person is in charge?
 - which project does it belong to?
What I want to suggest is that we can open a report view (special window) to show something like the screenshot below shows!
We could define the tags that should be used for the columns (their subtags are the content of the column)
and we could define which tag/column should be the one used for sorting.

Image 48

How do you like the idea.
At least to me - this would be extremely convenient.
viewing notes-list organizing
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Shortcut to clear tag selection or an option to do it automatically on search

ChrisCN 13 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 12 years ago 7
my aim: I want to do a search over all notes

my problem: the feature to just start typing to search is often not working because I notice that a previous tag selection is still active. So CintaNotes only searches within the current tags.
Why not hitting the escape button befor searching? >> You never know how often you have to hit the ESC button! (Well, you could figure it out - but that would slow you down.) I often found myself minimizing CintaNotes although I wanted to do a search.

The problem with ESC is that it depends on whether or not the search field contains something AND/OR some tags had been selected.
I have to hit ESC 2 times whenever tag selection AND search field are in use.
I have to hit ESC 1 time when only tag selection OR search field are in use.
Otherwise I may not hit ESC or CintaNotes gets minimized.

Suggestion 1:
ESC button clears search field AND tag selection at once. (This could be an option.)
Suggestion 2:
Option to let CTRL+F not only clear (select) the search field but also clear a previous tag selection.
Suggestion 3:
New shortcut for one of the above mentioned actions.


searching complexity:easy
Alex Jenter 12 years ago

In version 2.3:

When active (=1), pressing Ctrl+F will clear all active text and tag filters. Default value: 0 (disabled).


Settings (Configuration) window

Alex Jenter 12 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

I know the developer is trying his best to keep it a one window application, but having so many settings via menu bar is not convenient.
Its great to have it a one window notes, but its time to put all settings in a child window with tabs or something.
More convenient and organized. (by Man)

configuring other-ui
Under review

Allow multiple links per note

jeroen ophetweb 13 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 12

i would like to be able to have multiple links to a note.

for instance i just was authorized for a certain network application and received the credentials by mail. i saved them to cintanotes and added the server-address to the link section of the note. when i am on the note and hit f7 then the correct webpage is started.

however i also received the documentation and a training powerpoint for the software to start learning the tool.

i do not want to add a new note because for me this information is one. i saved the documentation and the powerpoint to a folder in mydocuments and can access them there but it would be nice when i can also go to that folder using the link functionality. then i have one place to start from theren.

Under review

Separate 'initial focus' setting for clipped notes

Alex Jenter 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 1
Now despite initial focus settings is set to "body", on clipping the Tags field is focused. While it may be convenient for some users for quick tagging of just clipped notes, other users would definitely prefer the focus to go to the same field as when creating notes with the Insert key.
This problem can be solved by introducing a separate setting for clipping, which could be set to "Tags" by default.
editing taking/clipping other-ui complexity:easy

XML export without specifying 'XML' extension leads to failure

Alex Jenter 14 years ago updated 13 years ago 0
(ale) I did some tests with all versions and I had too the export problem, however I think I found a way and maybe a bug :)
To make a long story short... the problem is in the name for the exported XML file: if we omit the .xml extension for the name, in the save dialog, the export fails, if we explicitly set the .xml extension in the name the export succeed.
Alex Jenter 13 years ago
Released with version 1.5.1

Shortcuts to reorder items in bulleted and numbered lists

Alex Jenter 10 years ago updated 8 years ago 2
Possibility in bullet/numbered lists to move items up or down with a shortcut like Ctrl-Arrow up/down or Alt-arrow or so. (Original request)
editing keyboard

A keyboard shortcut to assign the last assigned tags to a note

chease 13 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 3
I would like to have a keyboard shortcut to assign the last assigned tags to a note. Otherwise, I would propose an idea that the line below "Add tags"   is automatically filled with the last assigned tags when a note is to be tagged (e.g., F4 is pressed.)
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Noteboard window

Dave Ferree 14 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 2
Add a simple noteboard window or node where notes from the main window can be be shuffled, grouped, linked, overlapped with a mouse and played with like a storyboard. Would be useful for times where the list view is too structured.
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
Under review

Format text - Superscript (for remarks, footnotes, and annotations)

pethaski 10 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 10 years ago 4
It would be useful to have Supercript as a Format option. I sometimes comment my notes and add remarks below in the "Remarks" section. But when I have multiple remarks, being able to supercript 1, 2, 3 etc would make it much more readable.
editing text-formatting links