CintaNotes is a Windows application for fast and convenient note taking. It can clip text from any application on a hot key, has a powerful tagging system and effective full-text search capability.

Open note editor and remain in main window

Thomas Lohrum 13 years ago updated by Christof Deininger 9 years ago 3
I suggest to introduce Shift+Alt+Enter to open a note, but remain focus in the main window. That allows for searching/opening other notes that are related to the first note and needed to be edited the same time.
notes-list searching
Christof Deininger 9 years ago
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Document assembly

mohanarun 12 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 7

I would like to be able to use CN as a lightweight document assembly tool.

The idea is to add a tag to all the notes you want to form assembled as a document. (output as pdf, word, etc.)

Once the 'Assemble document from this tag...' option is chosen, and the tag to be assembled on is specified, the notes with that tag can be assembled into a print-ready share-ready, word  pdf file etc.

My particular use case: This will let me store list of URL reesources in multiple notes and assemble those notes by combining and recombininig different notes in different ways as needed adhoc.

For example, if I stored some URLs in a note with title 'Business plan tools' and if I stored another list of URLs in a note with title 'Funding raising tools' then after I add a tag to both these notes and assemble a doc on that tag, I can generate a document (pdf/word) that lists Business plan tools and Funding raising tools. This is useful 2me because there are constant additions/deletions in the list of URLs inside these notes. Being able to dynamically include contents of particular notes to form a export doc pdf etc. would be greatly useful for me.

organizing export merging

Backups on remote servers

Alex Jenter 9 years ago updated 8 years ago 5

Creating remote backups using FTP or WebDAV

Under review

Располагать теги заметки в одну строку с заголовком !!!

Вячеслав 3 months ago updated by Alex Jenter 2 months ago 1

Image 197

Вот некий пример, как могли бы располагаться теги, он не самый визуально идеальный, просто как смог, так и проиллюстрировал.
А между стройкой поиска и списком заметок, можно расположить линейку подобную линейке табуляций которая привычна по MS Word'у.
Можно и в настройках добавить поле, где будет вводится число символов для заголовка, а все оставшееся место будет отдано для отображения строчки с тегами.
(т.е. задается ширина части строки, как будто это таблица, и необходимо что бы то что не влезет по ширине - обрезалось, ни в коем случае не было безальтернативного переноса на новую строку, т.е. строка всегда одной ширины)

Так же вместе с этим можно было бы поле с URL также сделать с настраиваемой шириной, что бы там можно было видеть URL, и его не надо было бы тащить в сам заголовок. Заодно появится возможность сортировать как по URL, так и по чисто заголовку (он жэ станет свободным от размещенного в нем URL и сортироваться будет уже без его учета)

Пожалуйста !!! 
---  Это очень важные и необходимые изменения, без них просто Боль а не Удобство при использовании !

Очень Прошу, Очень !!!

main-window notes-list organizing reordering sorting tags
Under review

Большая просьба - добавьте, пожалуйста, сортировку порядка тегов в левой панели!

Вячеслав 3 months ago updated 1 month ago 4

Очень же неудобно заморачиваться с добавлением спецсимволов и/или номеров - для того что бы теги слева располагались в нужном визуальном порядке !!!

Тем более - при использовании тегов из одного/двух спецсимволов (@ # и др.) - возникают ошибки.

tags tag-sidebar
Under review

Ошибка при переименовании тега состоящего из спецсимвола

Вячеслав 3 months ago updated by Alex Jenter 2 months ago 1

На версии - 3.14 (2023-09-09)

Image 194

error tags
Under review

Drag and drop Outlook attachments without having them saved first; same for the email itself

Marix 4 years ago updated 4 years ago 6

Today is possible to attach a file to a note, by drag&drop from File Explorer; therefore Outlook attachments must be saved first, then drag&dropped. It would be great to drag&drop directly from Outlook.

Same for the full email itself - drag&drop as note attachment directly from Outlook, without having to save it first as .msg.

Under review

More intense highlighting of current section title tab

Hector 5 years ago updated by Gregory Holmes 5 years ago 1

Currently, it is not easy to know what section of CintaNotes is selected, other than looking at its contentes (notes titles) or reading the small text on the the bar (top, left). It would be great if the currently active section title tab can be highlighted very clearly to stand out (for example, thick line border, or bright color background, or bold font title, or a combination of these); this means less fatigue when using the program. I suppose this is easy to implement. Thank you.

configuring cosmetic main-window section-bar
Under review

Copy URL associated with the note from the notes list

Redwood 5 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 5 years ago 1

I use CN as a local bookmarking tool. 

It would be very nice to have an ability to copy the URL associated with a note right from the notes list. May be via right click menu option or via Ctrl (or Shift) + right click (it would be better).

At the moment, you have to open the note, click the edit button for the Link field and then highlight and copy the URL from there.

clipboard links main-window mouse notes-list
Under review

Расширение функционала - добавление поддержки AsciiDoctor для форматирования текста

Vyacheslav 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 3

если чего и не хватает в первую очередь, то этого,

ну и  есть еще одна визуально-эргономическая проблема:

    Когда накапливается много тегов, так что общий список по высоте превосходит высоту экрана,
    то происходит большая потеря времени на навигацию в списке тегов, при прокручивании.

    Значит надо минимизировать прокрутку - какие ваши идеи ???

    Мои, такие:

    - разбит панель тегов на 2 панели, левая для тегов первого уровня(родительских), а вторая для тегов 2-го уровня(дочерних).

     - добавить над панелью тегов строку фильтрации, такую же как еще есть над списком заметок.

    - упростить сворачивание дочерних тегов, для этого уменьшить эффект пиксель-хантинга, т.е. любой один щелчек по тегу имеющему дочерние теги - должен его сворачивать/разворачивать, а для выделения использовать правую часть области строки, там где счетчик заметок.

complexity:medium cosmetic editing main-window notes-list organizing other-ui performance reordering sorting tags tag-sidebar text-formatting viewing
Under review

Когда в новой базе (только созданной) с 10 тегами и полностью пустой получаю ошибку при переименовании тегов

Vyacheslav 5 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 2 months ago 15

Переименовываю тег $Note-memo--Typing на $Note-memo/Typing и он исчезает.

Вижу только "Typing" со сдвигом в право как должно быть у тега второго уровня, но тега первого уровня не видно.

Image 171

Потыкавшись по программе получаю ошибку исключение.

Image 170

Ошибку эту уже успел получить 5 раз.

Имею Win10 1809, недавно поставил, установил кучу программ без игр, все работает без сбоев вообще.

Твикать не твикал.

complexity:easy editing error tags tag-sidebar
Under review

Option to set tag sidebar visibility on per-notebook basis

Alex Jenter 6 years ago updated by Cassandra D. Everhart 5 years ago 1

"I have two separate .db files (two separate notebooks).

On one notebook, I want to have the tag sidebar visible.
In the other notebook, I don't want to have it visible."

Posted on the forum here:

configuring tag-sidebar
Under review

show only related tags to selected/filtered notes

2anyone 7 years ago updated by Ronald M. Lynch 6 years ago 2

cintanote tags is good and slim, but it can only find notes from tags, but not other way around.

in cintanote, each notes have tags shows in the list, but what about couple of notes? how to find out what's the tags assigned of them all?

Usually, I would filter/select some notes, and I'd like to know what's the topics(tags) of them, that's really important to me as I am using cintanote as a interest collection.

currently, I have to copy the filtered/selected notes to another temporally section to find out the tags assigned them.

hope you can make my routine easier and that will give cintanote more effectively handling notes as well. :)

Under review

Link to cloud image service

danielson 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 7 years ago 15

This one is hard to formulate... trying to get some new (hopefully useful) ideas in. (and others) offer free image hosting (time limited) with related url.

Pasting a link to hosted image to Cintanotes is no problem.

What would be fun is to have an integrated image service via Cintanotes for a basic free, premium and perhaps (even better) a one-time fee (just like the app).

Of course, Cintanotes would have to incorporate screenshot capabilities.

Makes sense?

Under review

Different behavior when creating linked notes

Hoakim Artramonov 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 4

In older versions (3.5) when you press clipping hotkey while editing a note, it opens a new note with a link to previous one, without calling up main window.

In the new 3.8 version, even when silent clipping mode is on, the main window pops up. It makes it impossible to use the program, have to close the main window every time.

Have reverted to the old version for now.

links taking/clipping

No word-wrapping in all lines without formatting that are located above a line with monospaced formatting

Fulkett 8 years ago updated by Cassandra D. Everhart 5 years ago 5
Problem: in the notes list, with "show text formatting" option active, all [long] lines without formatting, located above lines with monospaced formatting, are not properly wrapped.

The screenshot shows the four notes similar in composition, but with different formatting.
Each note consists of two lines plus one empty line.

4. Affected both strings: italic, bold, backlight.
3. Both lines without formatting.
2. in the first line is the word selected in bold. The second line is monospaced.
1. the first line without formatting. The second line is monospaced.

  • The problem remains even when onle one character is formatted monospaced.
  • Line (without formatting, above monospaced) is wrapped, if it has any formatting (except monospace) of at least one character (No. 2 in the screenshot).
  • The problem does not appear when the rest of the selection: bold, italic, underline, highlighting, etc., provided that the post no monospace format.

  • All rows are collapsed, when a tick "show text formatting is removed.
  • Size, name of main and monospace fonts- doesn't matter.
  • Long strings that go after the line with pitch formatting appear normal in collapsed form. Provided that there are no other rows below with a pitch.
complexity:easy configuring main-window notes-list performance viewing
Under review

Note editor: minimize space used by secondary UI controls

Alex Jenter 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 5

Tags, link, remark, date take too much space.

Make the display of some of these controls optional or auto-hidable and displayed on demand.

editing other-ui
Under review

Add ability to fetch emails

Alex Jenter 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1

Suggested by Denis Shevchenko:

"Would make CintaNotes one-place to sort emails, like Evernote!"

Under review

Add option to use Unix-way line endings when copying from CN

Alex Jenter 8 years ago updated by LucyTaylor 8 years ago 4

Allow changing newline sequence from \r\n to \n in copied text


clipboard complexity:easy editing
Under review

Save opened Note to text file directly

GoD 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 1

Very often I have to send a note to another person. Currently I have to open the note, copy it to the clipboard, open Notepad, paste the text, save the file and drop it into the email.

I would like to have a shortcut to save the opened note to a text file so CN only asks where to save the file. This would be much faster.

Under review

Autocorrect function

Alex Jenter 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 1


I would like to have an autocorrect option in CN.
Just a simple functionality to place abbreviations and there related tekst in a table.
After typing the abbreviation CN automatically replaces that with the long tekst it represents.
This makes making notes so much easier.

(something that looks like Word Autocorrect)

Under review

Support multiple Simplenote accounts

Alex Jenter 8 years ago updated 7 years ago 7
The app should handle multi simplenote accounts : one per section


Broken internal (notes) links after import on another machine

Hoakim Artamonov 8 years ago updated by Alex Jenter 8 years ago 7

We work in cintanotes by team,

with collaboration work on different machine,

but we use one notes-space in CintaNotes.

But for somereason we can't use a SimplenoteSync

When somebody export notes - and send it to me,

the internal links (to other notes) is not working.

They work only on the same machine,

but not on another.

Maybe it's because links is hard-linked with concrete instance of software? Or Machine?

Can you make it linked to the some utility field inside a note, to make import links is possible?


P.S. CN is so great and useful tool, wish it becomes only better!

error globalization links
Under review

Ability to define inserted date format

plavni 8 years ago updated by anonymous 8 years ago 4

Example: now date is inserted using local settings (for me as 08.12.2016), would be nice if I could have an option to use another format, like 2016-12-08, without modifying system settings.
