CintaNotes is a Windows application for fast and convenient note taking. It can clip text from any application on a hot key, has a powerful tagging system and effective full-text search capability.
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Printing note from the editor window

Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert vor 14 Jahren 0
It would be great if I could print a note. Directly within a note.

Save selected search mode in settings

Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren 4
I always use "Tags" search
after cintanotes starting I set this type of search every time
which is not very convenient...
Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.
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Export to and Import from UTF8 XML

Alex Jenter vor 15 Jahren aktualisiert von Viktor vor 10 Jahren 2
import export complexity:easy

Show full tag name on mouse hover if tag name is too long to fit tag sidebar

Alex Jenter vor 11 Jahren aktualisiert vor 10 Jahren 5
With deep tag hierarchies it is difficult to see full tag names without significantly increasing the width of the Tag sidebar. 
It is suggested to display a small popup with full tag name when mouse is hovering over partly hidden tag name.
tag-sidebar tags
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Changing font size with Ctrl+mouse wheel

jww vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren 2
It's a common shortcut in browsers etc.
viewing notes-list

Custom clipboard format, to be able to wholly cut/copy/paste notes

Alex Jenter vor 15 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
Now when you cut and paste note from CintaNotes it loses some information. CintaNotes should create its own clipboard format to be able to copy/paste notes without any data loss.
clipboard complexity:easy
Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren
Released in 1.6

Keyboard shortcuts to manipulate current tag selection from the search box

ChrisCN vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren 5
The idea is to have the same possibiliy as ctrl+click, shift+click and alt+click on the tag list as a keyboard shortcut using the search box.

The way this could work is:
 - type the name of the tag into the search box (autocomplete helps here)
 - hit CTRL+Enter (or SHIFT+Enter or ALT+Enter) to simulate the corresponding click on this tag
Every CTRL/SHIFT/ALT+Enter should NOT clear the current tag/text filter but add the tag to the filter like sequent clicks do.

This is a (hopefully) more straightforward reformulation of this request: 
tag-sidebar searching complexity:easy
Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren

Release in 1.8.5

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Automatic tag inference using AI algorithms

Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0
E.g. if 10 of 10 notes coming from are tagged "fun", CintaNotes should be smart enough to tag the 11th one automatically.But it should be correct in more than 90% cases, otherwise this would be irritating. And of course using this feature should be optional.
organizing complexity:medium

UI to select backup folder

Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert vor 14 Jahren 0
backup complexity:easy

Titles are lost when copying or merging

jww vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren 1

I don't know is it a bug or not but anyway I'd like to have a way to preserve titles. Quite often my short notes contain only titles.

clipboard merging
Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren

 Fixed in 1.8.2


Exact search should match parts of tag names

Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 2
Now "Anywhere" and "Tags" search modes match only whole tag names. However many times it is necessary to find tags by only part of their name.
complexity:medium searching
Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren
Completed in 1.6.1

Generalize the Link field into Remarks (comment, keywords) field

Thomas Lohrum vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 11 Jahren 13
CN has a beautiful and simple GUI. The Link-field is limited to an URL though. Well, you can add any information to it, if you like, but the identifier is still limiting. I suggest to rename the field, e.g. "Comments" or "Remarks". There have been different requests in the past all trying to achieve the same thing; see the following posts Annotations (comments) in notes; User notes; Add Keywords field to the notes; Introducing Keywords, Catchwords; The drawback of these is the need for an additional field. In generalizing the "Link" field to a more flexible "Remarks" field would still allow to insert links and have them opened using the F7-key. But other information could be added to the note too. Still the GUI would not be cluttered. Technically spoken the change in the program would be a simple edit of the language file(s). The only addition to this would be to extend the search to also search "Title, Text and Remarks". The "Remarks" field could also be used to add words to the note, that help on searching, e.g. different spellings, the context why the note was added, personal coherence, annotations. This could all be done without bloating your tag-list or polluting the notes text.Having a separate field also allows to distinguish between clipped text in the notes and your own remarks to it.The remarks-field becomes a note to the notes-text itself.
editing searching complexity:easy
Alex Jenter vor 11 Jahren
Released in V2.5
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Cross-link several notes in one go

Alex Jenter vor 8 Jahren aktualisiert von anonymous vor 7 Jahren 6

Clairvaux suggested on the forum:

Proposed feature

1. Select a few notes in the main window.
2. Right-click, Cross-Link Notes.
3. All selected notes get note links to the other notes inserted at the bottom of their text.


I'm discovering the note link feature, and it's an incredibly powerful tool.

However, it's especially useful when you only need to create links from one note to another, or a few of them. In that case, it's super-fast.

If, however, you need to cross-link several notes (that is : each of them is linked to all the others), then it becomes a pain as soon as there are more than two, or maybe three notes. In that case, you need to open all your notes side-to-side, and Copy Note Link / Paste Note Link in a harrowing sequence, where you need to keep track of what has been copied and pasted where, since you don't want to link one note to itself (and anyway, CN will wisely prevent you from doing that). There's no single link set that could be pasted, pasted, pasted into all the notes.

There are many situations where you would need to do this, and there would be no workaround using tags (never mind tabs or notebooks). Imagine you are tracking specific events, and making notes out of a few significant articles about those events. Maybe you'll gather five or six articles about one event, and never create a new note about that event later.

Then, it would not make much sense to create a tag just for that event, because you want to keep your tags as universal and reusable as possible (and not create too many of them, because, then, scrolling becomes a pain). Also, there's no quick way to go from one note to another through tags. Tags are not clickable. The answer is the note link. It addresses the concept : "See also", or "Related articles" at the bottom of your note.

Cross-Link feature would address that need (and hopefully use already developed resources).

Another way to address that would be to make tags clickable. If I wanted to link together five or six notes related to, say, the Sochi Olympics, then I would create a Sochi Olympics tag (even though I would likely never attach it to a new note again), apply it to my Sochi notes, and just click on it from within a note, in order to display the related notes. However, even if clickability of tags was an easily implemented feature (of which I have no idea), the user interface is not ideally suited to that. The main window as it is would lend itself to it, however the editor window with its tags field does not seem really appropriate.

links organizing

External links to notes in CN using custom URL format

Alex Jenter vor 15 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 1
I would like to select a note and then copy an external link to the note for pasting into another program. In a use-case scenario, I use PersonalBrain ( for organizing my thoughts, but the note-taking capabilities are less than appealing. I would like to continue using PersonalBrain but then attach a hyperlink (local URI) to open CintaNotes to a desired note. Evernote 2.2 had this capability, but Evernote 3.x does not. There is a need to be filled here.

In a perfect world, there would be a "Copy as URL" menu command for a selected note.
external complexity:hard
Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren

I don't know how this slipped through, but actually it's been released in version 2.0! :)


Thanks a lot!

Angga G. Pratama vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren 1
just wanted to say thanks for this small application yet so great in functionality and overall user experience has been so amazing! I wonder why I missed this one on my search for high quality note-taking application in months!

And I also need to mention this, Cinta also means Love in Indonesian language (Bahasa Indonesia). And I love it right away! (LoveNotes?) :)

Anyway, the only functionality I really hope to be added is the capability to import multiple text files as I have more than 200 text files as my previous notes/archive. (Oops, OOT sorry!)

Thanks again.
Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren
Thank you, I'm really glad that CN has stroke such a nice chord with you. Hope that you'll enjoy using CN. About text file functionality - I see that you already posted is as a request, great!

Drag and drop tags in the tree (like folders in explorer)

Andrey Froloff vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 9 Jahren 4
Ability to move child tag from one parent to another, or make top level tag a child of another one is necessary. If drag&drop is hard to make at this time, right-click menu item "Move to ..." for tags would be great.
tag-sidebar organizing drag-and-drop
Alex Jenter vor 9 Jahren
This is indeed a feature we would like to add, not sure if this is a duplicate request ... 

Extend the functionality of the window notes

jerzyha vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert von Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren 2

 The window of each note should have two options:
- "Always on top" button
- "Show/hide bottom panel" button

In this way one could use the open notes as handy help at work.
The note window would always be over current application windows and the window will not would take too much space.

Please see images:

after hide panel:

editing other-ui
Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Quick-filtering search field in the tag sidebar

Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren 7
It would be helpfull to have a searchfield on the same height and with the same function in the tagswindow as the seachfield in the notes window.

tag-sidebar organizing
Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Grep-style incremental search

Sean McBride vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert von Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren 3
Show only the lines (and *all* the lines) in notes which contain a search expression. One click on line to pop it up with full context within editable note. Escape back to search results.
Christof Deininger vor 9 Jahren
Closed due to inability to collect 10 votes for more than 2 years.

Locking notes to prevent accidental editing/deleting

Alex Jenter vor 14 Jahren aktualisiert vor 8 Jahren 13 1 duplikat
An individual note lock up (with a keyboard shortcut) for preventing the editing of some important notes by mistake.
editing security complexity:medium
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Multiple clipping hotkeys

Alex Jenter vor 15 Jahren aktualisiert vor 15 Jahren 0
Each hotkey should have it's own clipping options (silent, open in editor, etc).
taking/clipping complexity:medium

After closing editor, always focus main window

Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
If during editing a note I switch no some other app, then after closing the note this app becomes active. I want the main CN window to become active instead, (if it is not minimized).
editing other-ui
Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren

Released in CintaNotes 2.0

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Advanced backup schemes

Alex Jenter vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert vor 13 Jahren 0

Current backup is quite limited that it only saves the last states of the database.
CintaNotes should support backup mode where:
1) maximum number or total size of backup files is configurable per scheme;
2) backup periodicity is also configurable;
2) backup files are stamped with date and time.

backup complexity:medium

open all links inside a single note

Thomas Lohrum vor 13 Jahren aktualisiert von Alex Jenter vor 11 Jahren 3
I add all my links to CintaNotes. I prefer CintaNotes over my browser's bookmark functionality. I can search more easy and add any search words i like too. It's even independet from any browser. Especially i use it to group links.


CintaNotes Forum

text: Now i would like to open all links of the note's text with a single action. The action should be available by context menu and a shortcut. A mouse action could be implemented by using Shift+Ctrl+click on one of the links.

viewing editing

Command line parameter to open a .db file

Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren aktualisiert vor 12 Jahren 0
So that cintanotes.exe my.db would run CN and open my.db


files complexity:easy
Alex Jenter vor 12 Jahren
Released in 2.0.1