Use selected text as title, tag or remark (while editing)
Editor commands to copy selected (marked) text and:
a) Use as Title (replace)
b) Use as Remark (add)
c) Use as Tag (add; routine needed to handle spaces)
Further distinctions are possible (copy or cut, replace or add) but maybe would overload the action.
(Bonus: No need for text selection, if the desired object is only one word. Choice would be the word next to cursor.)
Execute rule on demand
A number of rules I don't want all the time running, so they are deactivated.
A command to run a rule only once - on demand - without changing the status of activation would be nice (similar to testing).
Currently I have to "Activate-Close-Reopen-Deactivate" instead of "Run".
Rule grouping
When there are many rules, they get difficult to manage. Ability to group rules (and enable/disable whole groups) would greatly help here.
Command (while editing): Save + Close + New note
Suggestion for keyboard shortcut: Ins (while editing)
Solo Mode for Expanded Tags in Tag List (optional)
Expand only 1 Tag Group at a time.
(-> close previous group automatically when expanding another; as seen in Adobe Lightroom)
Secondary sort order support
Add ability to specify secondary sort order.
For example now if notes are sorted by title, then notes having same title are sorted by creation date. Would be great to be able to sort them by text, for example.
Sticky note
Why would I use this program when Windows has Sticky notes?
Isnt it a total waste of our money??
I can also do Crtl C + Crlt V when I select some text?
Top rated ideas 345
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