Different titles/icons for different CN instances
- maybe something like "CintaNotes - notebook name - tags currently selected"

Copy to clipboard as plain text

Make tags separator configurable
tag 1,this is all tag 2,and all these words here belong to tag 3

Export to Markdown

Option to auto minimize to tray on losing focus

Brilliant. Thanks.
In short: Thanks for the app!
Long one is my story of coming to CintaNotes.
I was actually looking for a contact manager with custom fields, contacts tagging and comfy search. I tried some programs until found azzCardfile. It had a very simple idea: make cards, name them, and put anything (rich text, tables) inside. And groups did the role of tags. Unfortunately it didnt support cyrilic quite well, and I wanted something simplier (3 rows of toolbars by default looked frustrating).
I realized I could use a note-taking tool for my goal. I scanned some big threads about these programs (including mind mapping software), but it all was either too heavy (MS Office OneNote or Evernote scale) or purely hierarchical (tree to the left, note body to the right), which is not good for me, because relative tagging model is more flexible and has no "one note in two folders" problem.
I tried almost all similar apps on the alternativeto.net list for this one. Guess what was my choise.
So how did I make a contact manager on top of CintaNotes?
Firstly, made a separate copy of the program (to get a separate database). One note is a contact, which I can label with different tags (like work, family, etc). Note title has person's name or nick, note body has all contact data in form <key><TAB><value>, which is almost what I wanted (custom fields). Ah, yes, all contacts are marked with special _contact tag, in case I merge them with anything else.
With powerful intersection and union (I mean ctrl or shift clicking tags) of tagged notes sets, added with realtime search (one of the best I've seen in software), I enjoy any action I'm doing in the program.
Of course I have another installation (with another db) for regular notes, just not to mess them with contacts. Looking forward to adding tabs!
There are many talks about usability over the internet, but very few apps are really about it.
The app can be used just for the notes, but if you want more, relative data model implemented in such an elegant way gives a sandbox for accomplishing a lot of tasks.
Thanks again, and don't let it go too complex!
Good luck!

Thanks again and hope you'll enjoy using CN.

Can't use bold Bookman Old Style font

Color scheme should affect all areas including the icon

Maximized state of main and editor windows not saved in settings file

Drag and drop manual sorting

Windows 7 Jump List Support
I would personally like to see a structure like this when you bring up the jump list:
<pinned note 2>
<pinned note 1>
<recently opened note 5>
<recently opened note 4>
<recently opened note 3>
<recently opened note 2>
<recently opened note 1>
New Note
Pin/Unpin this program to taskbar
Close window
Then regarding those recently opened notes, you can "pin" them to the top of the jump list so you can quickly bring them up whenever you need to. This is currently what I do with Windows Notepad when managing my notes.
Another nice advantage (if this is possible) is that you can access the "New Note" option or open another note even if CintaNotes isn't running since the taskbar icon is still pinned. CCleaner managed to implement something like this where you can start at a different section of the program through the jumplist.

ESC to reset tag- and search-text-filter in a single step
[Original Post as of September 2012 "Shortcut to reset all filters"]
Add the ability to clear all filters with a single shortcut. Tag filters and text in the search-field should be cleared. The focus in the notes list should reset too and position on top of the list. I suggest to use the "del" key for simplicity. The key is used to delete a note in the notes list though. Thus to delete a note in the notes list Ctrl+Delete should be used. This would be consistent with deleting a note in the notes editor too.

Controls whether filter reset happens sequentially or at once. When enabled, the text filter is reset on the first ESC press, the tags filter is reset on the second press. This parameter is only used if filters.reset.onescape.enabled = 1. Default value: 1 (enabled).

Scripting Support
All in all, compared to a full-blown, native plugin support, a scripting feature will provide more value to more users sooner.
Of course, at some later point, a plugin system can follow, perhaps to allow for things that people can't do on script level.
As a scripting language, I'd suggest Python, because of it's particularly clean syntax and excellent support for all major programming styles (procedural, functional, object-oriented). It will suit both novice users and experts equally well. Downside: The run-time system, while just one DLL, is quite huge in size.
If you go for smaller run-time memory fingerprints, you may consider Lua, but Lua has a bias towards procedural programming style which might not scale well for bigger and more advanced endeavors.
JavaScript seems as an interesting choice, too, because it's so wide-spread. But then again, like Lua, it does not scale well for bigger and more advanced endeavors.

Grab URL and Window title to store inside notes text

Rule grouping
When there are many rules, they get difficult to manage. Ability to group rules (and enable/disable whole groups) would greatly help here.

Option not to display note titles in notes list
Is it possible to add an option to hide the Title bar in the Note List? (as per attachments)
I'm looking for note software that can just list note contents.

Custom format for inserted timestamp
It should be possible to specify custom format for date/time that is inserted on F5.

Show list of recent notes in system tray menu
For those of us who like having CintaNotes in the system tray, it would be a great improvement to provide 1-click access to recently used notes directly from the system tray icon's context menu (i.e. an MRU list).
This saves not only a click, but more importantly, the context switching that happens when you open a new window and navigate its list to find the note you want to see. Ideally, if you select a note from the system tray menu, only the note would have to be opened and not the main program window.
Suggestion: the context menu notes list could show the top items from whatever sorting regime is currently in place on the main window's notes list.

Rules: add ability to copy notes, not only move them
Sometimes we need to make a copy of a note by rule.

Indicator if note has been edited
At the moment, there appears to be no indication if - when you have a note open in the note editor - you have changed anything in the note since you opened it. For me, it means I don't know whether to click Ok (saving all changes), or Cancel (as I have not made any changes).
I know I could click Ok regardless, but I know that at least once previously, I have made an unintentional change to an open note (I opened it to copy some text, and instead somehow deleted some text), so I am reluctant to just click Ok each time. Thus, I would appreciate an indicator in the note (eg an asterix in the note titlebar, the same bar that contains the minimise, maximise and close buttons) if a note has had a change made to it since I opened it.

Please stay focused on the note when press ESC in the tag view
Select a tag, several notes are listed in the right. Select one, then press ESC(I want to read the context of it), but the note lost focus. It switch to the first note of all notes.
Please fix this.
As a comparison, when I search something, select one of the result notes, then press ESC, the note will STILL be focused. So I can read the context of it.

Improve daily backup
I use daily backup and weekly backup.
Unfortunately all daily backups have the same name cintanotes.daily.db
So on tuesday the backup of monday is overwritten if I don't have any additional software or script running
to save it.
Please add the a day number which makes it the same for every language used.
I suggest the name as cintanotes.daily.number.db
(idea by Horst)
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