Your comments
Both suggestions will suite. It's a matter of taste. UID is a note's field, but considering it to be an internal field, your suggestion might be better.
11 years ago
If you go for adding it as a field of the export-fields, i think it is intuitive. Even if a user might not understand what a UID is in first place. He/she will understand first time after the export, when the UID will become visible. As for options like "Add CintaNotes backlinks" this is not a field, but an action.
What would your (ugly) suggestion look like? Have the UID beneath the title? Present the UID rather than some text?
Why not? It could be added as an optional field of the export dialog. For example "[X] Note identifier. The html text could be "open note in CintaNotes".
Hi Alex, i was not aware of the issue. Actually a similar issue exists with internal note links. Should they link to some other part of the html exported file(s) or should they open the note with CintaNotes? Maybe there could be an option for the export. For example "(*) create HTML links ( ) create CintaNotes links".
Occasionally i export a group of notes to a Webpage. This way it is easier to get an overview of the complete content, whereas in CN itself you would only get a preview of each note. Now jumping to the note would allow for a direct editing, where necessary.
Actually it would fit the bill to add an extra line after pressing ENTER before the next bullet will be created. That way no custom painting is necessary. It could be implemented as an option.
Sure, i will happily run a test :)
As suggested a while ago it would be nice to have a shortcut for the workaround which would combine the two stops automatically. That is export to the browser and print from there automatically. Technically spoken: export to html and call ShellExecute(print, ....).
The relevant Windows API function to resolve system variables being "ExpandEnvironmentStrings".
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